
Exclusive footage of the Trump economic team in action.

You are the friend with awful taste, tbh.

She’s so pretty and her voice is so pretty and she has so. much. hair. and she’s funny and irreverent.

Harvey Fierstein.

We join a David Duke rally already in progress:

I have a cousin who flies into a naked rage whenever I suggest the Jill Stein may not be where it’s all at (and he’s convinced Bernie and Warren and sell outs for supporting Clinton). It gets worse when I point out that yes, Clinton has done some things I don’t agree with, she has also done some great things too. She

I agree. Although it’s a shame that “playing politics” has gotten such a bad wrap. I mean, playing politics is literally the mechanism by which our democracy operates. Presidential candidates have to compromise on their ideal vision to gather enough popular support to be elected. Then, once elected, they need to

I also think they are bored children who are swayed by the romantic drama of apocalyptic dystopian narratives in movies, novels, comic books, etc. Watch it burn, play the role of the crowd in revolt. Now something is happening! Drama! Maybe their life is dragging along in their middling shit job (and the job sitch

Consider the narrative from a different way if you don’t understand it. The “Clinton’s” have been a political family in the spotlight for two decades. What Trump is now, took over two decades of congressional hearings that never went anywhere, people holding on to perceived slights, and the entire RNC’s collective

“If they didn’t want Trump to win, they should have let Bernie have the nomination,”

I was a Hillary supporter in 2008 but switched enthusiastically to Obama once it was clear he was going to win (and would have done the same if Bernie was going to win the nomination). One of the reasons I wasn’t in those two camps from the beginning even though their politics align more closely with mine, is because

Yeah, and I think that is the mindset that she’s yelling at here, not a general attack at Bernie supporters, which some people are complaining about. I know most Bernie supporters are standing with Hillary now and that is great, but this is also a terrifying election and the Bernie supporters who are being

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

Throw a convention for the republican party?

It’s a beauty pageant for teenagers. If you can think of a more efficient way to attract the worst people in the world, I’d be interested to hear it.

Something about this is sooooooo funny to me. It’s like having a whole crew of clueless dads following you around, not as subtle as they think they are.