
Have you seen young Tim Kaine?

“NO MORE WAR! NO MORE WAR!...huh? why? which one are we doing? oh, ok....NO TPP! NO TPP!..huh? I’m heading for the door, I thought we were doing a walkout? What? Well, when, then? NO TPP MORE! NO WAR TP!”

I at least give Johnson credit for having been a governor and having a chance of getting an electoral vote or two (slim chance but it’s still there, and unlike Stein I can see him managing to get more than 5% of the vote). I disagree with many of his stances but is candidacy feels overall more serious than Stein’s. I

Jill Stein is a hoop skirt short of ball gown. NEXT!

I think this is an important point. In order to be a successful president, you really have to be an effective operator. You need to be able to build a coalition to make things happen. She’s far enough out, with almost no support in Congress that she’d be pretty hamstrung if she wound up getting elected.

the sine of 90 degrees is 1, not 90. the sine of 90 radians is close to .9, if that was what you were going for.

Is there a way to see which one I missed? I only got 90%, and I can’t figure out which one was wrong. This bothers me.

My entire academic career was derailed when my 7th grade math teacher quit during the chapter on dividing fractions. Conceptually calculus makes total sense in my brain but I can’t actually solve any of the problems because I don’t understand how to divide 1/3 by 1/8.

90%! Wohoo!! But how do I find out which one I got wrong? You know that us STEM types are anal and tend to need closure with these things...

I feel like this is a safe space for me to rail against the Green Party (and all “third” parties in the U.S.) for a second.

this was beautiful. We really take our election system for granted most of time, it’s not perfect and now that people care it will be (hopefully) improved but it’s a clockwork system! Every 4 years! Imagine how envious countries are who’s “President”’s have been in power for 10+ years.

It’s easy to cynically point at all the failings of American democracy. But the one thing that will never cease to amaze me, and that I will never stop reminding myself is unique and incredible in the history of government, is the American transition of power. Like, there’s no subterfuge or questions or violence or

Ok, here’s me being a butthole, but is there a way to see the correct answers. I keep getting 90%, but I can’t figure out which problem I’m getting wrong.

She is soooo thirsty, and so arrogant. Not someone I would ever hire at my current job, let alone for fucking President of the US. I said the exact same thing the other night when I turned on Fox News and saw her marching with the Bernie or Busters outside the DNC. Then I rolled my eyes so hard I saw the back of my

I think she’s a total quack. When I started reading about her after the Bernie or Bust crowd started fawning all over her, I saw her use the phrase “Big Pharma,” saw her wishy washy stance on vaccines, and found out that she’s all about homeopathy and went NOPE. Fuck no. You’re supposed to be an actual doctor and you

I voted for Stein in 2012 (it was more a vote for The Green Party than Stein to be honest) and I was really hoping that if the Greens were going to try and continue making inroads to become a viable 3rd option that they would have moved past Stein and found a more appealing candidate.

Not gonna get a snarky critique of last night from me, guys

Me normally: America has a complicated, racist and misogynistic history.

Oh haiii did someone say “Worst potential first female president”