
Whether it was intentional or inadvertent, I think she did a great job of explaining why she’s not the warm and fuzzy type by mentioning again and again that her mother brought her up to take it like a man essentially (should be changed to bad ass from now on.) But, really, I get the sense that Hillary may be super

So excited!! But also, if you guys decide to do another live blog on Jezebel, can you not invite the Gawker dudes? They were so horrendously repulsive that I quit the live blog after about 20 minutes. I get enough lady hate from living in the south, and living in America in general. I don’t need it in my safe place.

All the Never Hillarys with the “you don’t know what you’ll get with her, I know what I’ll get with Trump.” And I’m like, what, excuse me? What? It’s madness. If anything we’ll get the my shrewd and pragmatic president of our lifetime. As opposed to a guy whoplans on having his VP (Mike Fucking Pence for Fucks sake

I heard the same commentary and felt annoyed too.

The real travesty was Gossip Cop 2, where the Gossip Cop becomes a school resource officer and turns the tables on a group of mean girls.

Gossip Cop sounds like a really stupid ‘80s action movie about a cop who does nothing but talk shit about his coworkers all day.

Yeah, let me bitch about the media through media because the words I spoke to media was understood for what they meant and relayed on media.

Honestly, the whole premise of that question is built on some made-up nonsense. The idea that being offended makes somebody “right” is completely nonsensical. It’s a deliberate misrepresentation created by the right as a way to cast requests for decency as argumentative weapons.

Usually when I’ve been accused of being “politically correct” it’s because when someone uses the term “retarded” I do not let it pass by without comment. I stand by that.

I love that he said he “probably” wishes. Poor guy doesn’t even know what he wants, probably because he has jizz coming out of his wherever. Sad!

Won’t people consider the abject Hell he faces daily when he has to think about what he tweets before he tweets it?

Oh, but for some people it is so, so, so very hard.

I don’t believe these people even know what they mean when they say “politically correct.” I think they just use it as verbal filler, like “um,” or as an alternative to the catch-all “thanks, Obama.”

The only people who are ever praised for “saying what they think” almost uniformly think shitty things. I think ice cream is delicious, and I often say so, but you don’t see any dumb hicks nominating me for grand vizier.

You know who else says what he thinks? The crazy guy who lives in the park near my office. I won’t be voting for him, either.

“More than ever, I’ve been hitting “delete” before I send out a tweet,”

I know when I think of country music, “politically correct” is definitely the first descriptor that comes to mind.