
“How else do you decide if they’re worth talking to??”

I’d watch the hell out of a movie called God Cop/Bad Cop. God and Satan team up to clean up the streets of Vegas. They’re the original odd couple!

Uncle Joe’s speech was doing fine, until he plugged his electric guitar into the amp, and did Eddie Van Halen’s entire guitar solo from “Runnin’ with the Devil”. Once Joey gets three or four cans of Beast Light in his system, there’s no stopping him. When Joe started licking suggestively at the crowd, aunt Hill

The “well she’s better than Trump” brush off boils my blood. To be clear, I’ll take it all the way to the White House, but fuck you for completely ignoring and/or discrediting her entire life’s work. What the fuck have you done, bro?

I really didn’t think I’d feel energized heading into November. The RNC was yes, a dumpster fire (a yuuge one at that), but I was a little concerned that the Dems would have trouble coming out from all the negativity. I love being wrong, sometimes.

Nice. In all seriousness, the sets were the only remotely comparable element, as the RNC stage was filled wit two-bit nobodies and very little actual content.

Oh that gif just made me temporarily miss How I Met Your Mother......and then I remembered the last episode and felt ragey

meaaahhh this is better “news”

“All I gotta say is, I am so glad my wife has Snapchat, because now y’all can know the truth and can’t nobody talk shit about ‘Ye no more.”

can’t nobody talk shit about ‘Ye no more.”

This was the best one.

Like I said earlier, some on the left are hell-bent on making perfect the enemy of good. Tim is a good guy and a solid pick for VP. Let’s pull together and win this damn thing.

I wasn’t terribly familiar with Kaine when he was chosen, and was a little unenthused about it. Every little thing I’ve learned about him since has been a little bit of affirmation, and seeing him speak tonight was the icing on the cake. He’s going to be the new Uncle Joe, I sense: solid, common-sense progressive

I see your pic, and raise you THIS.

Ya know, I couldn’t figure out why she picked him at first. He seems like a slightly overdone oatmeal lump, but her shit-eating grin during his speech in Miami got me looking at the guy and guess what- he’s a friggin boyscout. This dude couldn’t be more fucking wholesome and aboveboard.

Tim Kaine isn’t mad at the Republican party, he’s just disappointed.

Daaaaaaaaamn Tim Kaine. I’d fili that buster, if you know what I'm sayin.

Yes! He looks like a clean shaved Santa!

I must say, this guy’s got a face that could out jolly all the other VPs. If 2017 is anything like 2016, we’re going to need many reassuring smiles.

You may have earned your job at Jezebel, but this interview is another example of THE CLINTON MACHINE AND ITS NEVER ENDING PATRONAGE AND NEPOTISM. SAD. LOW ENERGY. MAKE JEZEBEL GREAT AGAIN!