
Bernie supported drone strikes which have killed innocent people, over 100.

they’ve sat back and taken it for DECADES. They sat back and let a complete and total war criminal/dumbass win a 2nd term (GWB). They didnt show up for midterm elections and let the GOP take over Congress. They are sitting back NOW. People have bills to pay, mouths to feed - most dont have the patchouli scented luxury

Where did I say you were obligated to vote for Clinton. Vote for who you want based on what you think is important to you. That is fine. I am not hear to tell you who to vote for, and I have not done so. What I am calling out as bullshit is this nonsense by some Bernie supporters like you that the reason they will

Just glad to know you’re in support of the President fucking up so badly that the entire country has to go through a period of reform. Because, you know, when things become so bad that something like that happens, things have become so bad that something like that happens.

With Trump, at least we’ll finally get to start reforming after he fucks up.

The best way to get to where you want to go is to go backwards for 4 years and hope you get to start over from your new starting point.

If you want women to suffer, vote Trump.

To put the blame of the Iraq War on Hillary Clinton, a junior Senator who had only been in office for less than two years, and whose sole role in that clusterfuck of a vote was to be one of 29 Democrats voting in favor of it is just completely out there.

No one is trying to hold you hostage. However, the reality is that either Trump or Hillary will be elected. This is a certainty. Setting aside the possibility of one of them dropping dead before the election, either Trump or Hillary will be our next President.

You spelled “ex-boyfriend" wrong.

Ask Ted Cruz if you could use his bulk discount rate.

I want Bernie and Killer Mike to ride off into the sunset together, touring America and having wacky adventures.

I kept telling my boyfriend that shithead Bernie supporters (like himself unfortunately) were going to turn in to Trump supporters once Bernie lost and well...doesn't seem to far off. Then he told me Trump "makes a lot of good points" and I have a hard time looking at him anymore. Haven't been so sad to be right in

Not surprised. These people, many of whom are first time voters because of age or previous indifference, were told that Hillary (and not Trump) was the enemy for nearly a year. Many of the younger ones come from Republican homes where Hillary has been Public Enemy #1 since before they were born. They who are trying to

That they don’t want to is pretty easy to understand. In much the same way one empathizes about a 5 year old not wanting a bath and an early bed time, and yet one recognizes the inevitability of both, because one is no longer 5.

It is. One monster wants to take away healthcare from millions of people. One monster wants to create unwanted babies but not let people adopt them if they have matching genitals. One monster wants to give nuclear weapons to countries that don’t have them yet. One monster will appoint SCOTUS judges that will restrict

So many reasonable comments! This is why I like The Slot.