
“Hillary kills and eats puppies!”

The sheer goddamned privilege of anyone who is considering NOT voting for Clinton* is just melting my fucking brain right now. You have a blanket opposition to war? I bet you’re not Jewish. You don’t care about what the RNC and DNC platforms say about gay marriage? I bet you’ve never tried to visit your partner in the

I just can’t believe the amount of stupid, misogynist anti-Hilary nonsense coming from Sanders supports. So, Wikileaks and Vladimir Putin conspire to make the DNC look bad, and the smoking gun is one email from a staffer suggesting they ask Bernie “tough questions” at a town hall meeting. All this is supposedly

The second I hear “we wanna revolution!” from somebody regarding this election I know I’m talking to someone who has no sense of history or moderation. Who has never done any reading. Who has never really suffered.

Their “purity” rap is just as odious as those father/daughter pledge her virginity dances. This is the real fucking world. There is no such thing as a pure politician. If their more precious than rubies Bernie won the election he’d have to grovel around in the shit and “betray everything we stand for!” because that’s

Bernie or bust confuses me more than anything. Mr. Sanders himself has endorsed Hillary Clinton. He has said flat out "Vote for her because anything else will risk a Trump presidency." So when the candidate himself says don't fucking vote for me what justification do you have to continue to vote for him?

HAS EVERYBODY FORGOTTEN NADER???? 2000 wasn’t that long ago! We got eight fucking years of Bush out of that debacle!

How much do you want to bet that the dude who said that is unaware of the fact that being impeached doesn’t make you stop being President? Like, he’s probably in his early-mid 20s and doesn’t remember the Clinton impeachment and thinks that somehow it actually did something to Clinton, when in reality all it did was

I seriously don’t get the Bernie or Busters. Jason acknowledges that the Supreme Court is important, but then says it doesn’t trump his desire to vote for anyone but Bernie. To me, that is someone who is willing to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. We need a Democrat in the White House to ensure that liberal

I got that watching Samantha Bee last week with that Bernie delegate woman and her glass ball she carried around the world and thought it meant something.

I want to break shit. Combined with current polling and Nate Silver saying an election today would lead to a Trump victory I just. Don't. Get It.

Voting for Trump on the assumption he’s going to be impeached? Alright.

I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.

What Bernie Or Bust voters don’t get is that Trump wouldn’t be setting the agenda. Trump’s campaign made it clear that his VP would be the one setting policy, according to Kasich staffers.

But like... also this was really shitty. If Bernie had been your candidate and this happened I think you’d be pretty pissed. (Yeah the woman on the right is freaking me out a bit...)

To me the depressing thing is that no matter who wins the election, we seem to have reached the point (on both sides, to some extent) where everyone’s bespoke information supply has shattered the concept of objective reality.

The DNC really better make sure that Hillary looks good, because Drumpf’s is leading in the polls.

That’s nothing. I almost ended up in New Jersey.

Not Kidding: I have a friend in china who accidentally came within a few feet of crossing into North Korea hunting pokemon.

I don’t care too much about either Beyoncé or Pokemon.