
Sorry, this wasn’t some tea social where she didn’t want to ruffle the feathers of other guests. Swift’s a multi-platinum-selling artist with a closet full of Grammys and millions in the bank.

Or she just realized she could increase her Snapchat followers. I doubt it bothers any of them that much.

I’m also a fan of Taylor’s and have consistently stuck up for her when the media treated her unfairly. I’m so disappointed in this. I don’t think Taylor is a fraud or a closeted mean girl like everyone says she is but I think her team has always been obsessed with keeping her image perfectly manicured and it has

Now playing

Even though he didn’t actually put the full lyric out in the video to her I’m disappointed in her. For years I have defended Taylor Swift to people in my community who hated her. To people who thought that she was demonizing Kanye by being the fragile white woman to his angry black man. And I still I think he was

They all are!

Me too. I care nothing about anyone involved, yet I’m positively cackling with glee here! This is FUNNY.

I KNEW she lied. I love Kanye but he doesn't have enough shame to bother to lie about this.

There have been rumors for a long time that Taylor is a secret mean girl. Although I have loved her and didn't believe it, I have a feeling her cover is about to get blown. Lying, cheating, manipulating. It isn't looking good for TayTay.

No way Taylor doesn’t come out of this looking AT BEST like an opportunistic Grammy-speech manipulator; I feel like digging in isnt the right move.

I am an admitted Taylor Swift fan, who tends to roll her eyes at Kanye and Kim, but man, even I think this is hilarious. Good on you, Kim. I’ve been laughing all night, and after this week, I needed that. Anyone got popcorn?

I think the idea is that since you don’t know which towel is yours, to prevent getting cooties you grab a clean one? Idk. This is crazy.

How the hell do these keep you from washing your towels less often? I’m truly baffled by this logic.

Plus, that “hot dog” charm is a snake in a bun.

Why would you purposely puncture a towel to put a metal charm on it? It just seems like it would cause a hole and ruin the towel really quickly, plus any time the towel is outside that little piece of metal is going to get really hot really quickly. I do not fancy a minuscule baseball glove being seared into my skin

I can see how, if you’re going to be spending time around Donald Trump, you would want some way to identify your property in case it mysteriously disappears. Just saying.

Even Jesus rolls His eyes at this.

Okay, but can we please all retire the word “problematic”? I’ll buy everyone a thesaurus. I can’t deal w/ that word anymore.

At a quick glance, that pic looks like Trump’s head is atop the body of a serpent, which is so on-point that my personal canon is going to reflect that it’s true from now on.

The X is the preferred non gendered term versus the masculine Latinos and the feminine Latinas.