
As as freshman scientist I’d like to say #alllivesarematter

As a solipsist, I would like to declare that #OnlyMyLifeMatters

2 African Americans, a Latina, a Jewish woman, and a white woman. Super pumped about the diversity of this group. There’s no way they won’t win all of the medals.

Won’t most people just think that’s a picture of Donald Trump?

One reason we get so annoyed about this is because we can follow all these dumb rules and still get raped. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped drunk. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped sober. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by strangers. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by friends. People want to set up all these

Obviously getting helplessly drunk is unsafe for anyone, though often understandable - many people, especially young newer drinkers, do not know their own tolerances. But yes, it’s dangerous, including in and of itself.

I got blackout drunk last weekend. Here are some things I apparently did in that state:

I’m okay with that.

This is what the march towards widespread right-wing terrorism looks like.

This unhinged, deparaved, misogynist, racist was a former Congressman. Think about what that says about the stupidity and insanity of tens of millions of Americans, who elect people like Walsh all the time. Reminds me of George Carlin, I’ll do my best to get the words right. “Everyone says politicians suck, right?

The fun bit now is trying to find an unfucked place to emigrate to!

That’s what I keep wondering when I see the “US is next!!!” from these folks. Did we become part of the EU and I missed it?

What exactly should the US learn from this? Who are we exiting from?

that feel when your country gets better policy discussion at beauty pageants than actual presidential debates

Elizabeth Warren puts on the Hillary PJs just to drive it home to the last Bernie hold-outs that it’s OVER.

C-Span feeds are selling on Stubhub for Hamilton prices. The world turned upside down! Dogs and cats living together!

Voting on bills is THEIR LITERAL JOB!!! And yet, you have to stage a freaking sit-in on the House floor to demand a vote on a bipartisan bill. #America

Democrats? Raising hell? Using social media? Drowning out the speaker?

Let’s all take this opportunity to tell our representatives in the House that we support the Dems and we support reasonable gun control laws. Call or email your congressperson now!

I had an email exchange with him this weekend after I posted a link to the Gawker article about him. I repeatedly mentioned his floor-shitting history. His reponse, “You know that’s made up, right?” I told him that’s exactly what I’d expet a floor-shitter to say.