
Schrödinger’s Poor: simultaneously working too many menial jobs to properly raise their terrible children while also lazily living off of welfare.

As a Pittsburgher, this woman is completely infuriating. She had been posting holier-than-thou Facebook posts for a very long time prior to this incident, and I was happy that the station finally took action after this horribly racist and excruciating post.

their mothers work multiple jobs

You say that, but has Hillary ever read one single word of Two Corinthians?

“I have it on good authority that she’s secretly a j-o-o. Which is fine for handling money, I wouldn’t hire anyone else, and they are a beautiful people and they love me, but not really trustworthy in the White House.” ~ Carnie Handed Mango Man 2016

My favorite Jesus.

not to be a complete jerk, but I honestly feel like this attitude is why we still have such a long way to go with how CSA is dealt with and why there are so, so, so, so many abusers who get away with is for decades and decades and have scores and scores of victims: because it is uncomfortable and upsetting and a lot

Sympathy isn’t a zero sum game. I think it’s possible to feel bad for his victims, hope they have gotten help and also acknowledge that he was subjected to a bunch of really personality warping stuff.

Isn’t possession of child porn in itself a crime? Why wasn’t he arrested if the police found all that stuff?

Well, holy fuck.

Bayley (the guard) was in Poussey’s NYC backstory, too, I think - he passes her with two of his friends on the street when she’s saying goodbye to the drag queens. So eerie.

I DIDN’T NOTICE THAT. that makes it even more horrible.

She was in the club with the transvestites! She took a joint during the “share” phase, I think. I remember thinking it was contrived, but sent a pretty powerful message.

I think it’s an important message, that, in all of the real-life incidents there’s a reason there’s so much pushback on either side. CO Bailey may have killed Poussey, but it’s not because he was a bad person, racist, misogynistic, blind with power or anything. The real villains are the people above him and the

Did anyone else really love Hapakuka? (the new Hawai’an inmate and Piper’s short-lived ‘bodyguard’...I HAVE BAD KNEES)

Dude, this one was so fucking brutal. But it was by far my favorite. The beginning with the guard getting killed and chopped up and pulling more and more people into the drama was kind of funny (and I mean, that song at the end of episode 1 was amazing *cue cheery song* “Motherfucker got fucked up ‘cause he got in the

It’s almost darker that a lot of the women were in prison to cover up for men in their lives (Aleida + Red) and some were in prison for really minor infractions. Red wasn’t a murderer, but the guards treated her like she was when they were looking for who murdered the body in the garden.

Imagine if people were capable of enjoying a television show AND working for actual justice in the world.

I thought it was particularly cruel that it was CO Bailey who killed Poussey. He was just a dumb kid who did not have the personality to be a guard. He was basically set up to fail in that environment. I loved the ending of episode 13 with Poussey talking with the improv monk. Seemed a fitting end to her fabulous NYC

so i thought it was way better than season 3 (like WAY better) but i just dont know how i feel about it being SO DARK. i covered my eyes when suzanne was beating up her ex gf. it was just too much. i felt numb to it by the time pousey died because the whole thing had been so gruesome (well once piper was branded) i