
Back when I would hug trees in Santa Cruz, I would sort of ask the tree if it was okay if I hugged it and I would feel their spirit or energy or something give a response back, and then proceed accordingly,” Serenity said.

Which reached for comment, the ocean denied any knowledge of the wedding, before finally admitting she just did it to get the Artic Ocean off her ass about settling down and having kids. “You guys don’t know what its like to have such a cold, empty mother,” the body of water said before whispering “I’ve made a

This is far enough away from actual oppressed sexual minorities that we can point at them and laugh, right?

Oh god, I just realized what the piece is about. It’s a long piece of wood that is not particularly comfortable. It’s a damn dick joke.

Trump wants to win over Sanders supporters. His team has been working at that for a few weeks now. If anything, he’ll try to make it a lovefest. The question is whether Sanders will fall for it.

Wow is no one else seriously troubled by this? Sorry Bernie but this whole campaign looks like it’s becoming a sad ego trip. And him and Donald debating would be just be for their own egos. It’s pretty messed up that the only woman currently running for president actually EARNED her nomination by getting the most

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

Starred because it deserves to be ungreyed. But I disagree that conservative policies are reasonable about money - see our military spending, the long term cost of cutting funding to health care, social safety nets, and education. It doesn't matter if you save a dime here if you lose a dollar later because your

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

Look, I get why she did it. The State Department sucks at cybersecurity and IT. There’s a general consensus that if you want to get shit done, private email is the way to do it. Colin Powell also exclusively used private email for State Department business. Any business-related email sent from the private server was

Despite personally not finding this story compelling, I think HRC needs to get out in front on this story. Make a clear statement. Talk about cyber security more generally, ect.

“The watchdog’s findings could exact further damage to Clinton’s campaign, and they provide fresh fodder for Trump, who has already said he will go after Clinton for the email scandal “bigly.”

Eh, I kinda do. She fucked up by using a server that wasn’t secure. So did those who preceded her. When you are Secretary of State, following rules regarding security is important. But at the same time, the theories that right wingers (and some Bernie supporters) are coming up with are ridiculous.

or the fact that she’s actually served in public office, thus has a history to even discuss....

Purely rational discussion.

Our next President will be someone who uses the word “bigly”.

Is there anything in this report that’s even remotely new?

Rightly so. One frat =/= an entire generation.