
Wait you didn’t finish the story about the prank. Then they put chili peppers on the girls lady parts right? Or beat up a homeless man? Or called each other’s parents and said their child died in a horrible car accident right? Because otherwise...I’m just not seeing the joke.

Relevant xkcd...from 2011:

Sorry if this isn’t “feminist” but the role is a dude. Leave it. Let’s make new legendary roles for women. I’m sorry, but going after well-established characters that are male and making them female is not the way I think we should go.

It’s New York, but same/same, really.

And in the end, it really doesn’t matter to conservatives. All they truly care about is making sure another Democrat makes it into the White House.

She’s thrown stools, grapefruits and phones at me

Sevierville Detective Kevin Bush tells The Post: “I have excellent intelligence that [Strangis] ordered the pizza and wings.”

For those of you keeping score at home:

It's a nice reminder that just because people have a strict moral code doesn't mean that they cant be major assholes.

Is it really worth the lives of so many children to be able to legally keep guns in your house just for kicks, though? This is not comparable to liquor, medicine, matches, or anything else. Guns are designed to kill. All the evidence shows that keeping a gun in your house does nothing to keep you safe, and introduces

This shit happens every fucking day and nothing is changing.

When I was a teenager, Cosmo Girl!used to pluck kids hanging around on the street outside our school for photo shoots.

LA is like 9% black. We’re not talking about Detroit. Or even Brooklyn.

I confess! I just say I like Hamilton because I want all my friends to think I’m in favor of a national bank and establishing a public credit by assuming the debts of the states. But really I’m all for limited government and an economy founded upon hard money.

“She also didn’t have real boyfriends or go out on dates”.

This bitch is exactly how I imagine my former best friend talks about me and my depression. She never reached out and then when we got together she would complain that all I ever did was bring the group down. I begged her to invite me to things because my postpartum depression was keeping me isolated and lonely. I get

Kids who eat shellfish are next to go:

No, it is that people feel justified telling women to calm down. It has nothing to do with women needing to be told something more than men. Talk about infantilizing.....

Maybe he's got a point though. After all, I'm having a difficult time controlling my laughter. Silly lady brain.
