
I love Kristen Bell so much and hope her show is good.

He cast two white guys with glasses, what more can you ask for?

I'm starting to wonder if it really is about Millennials thinking everything is about them and having no experience with long-term problems - just assuming they are entitled to instant gratification. Like they are stomping their feet and saying "it's not fair" and then telling the olds that we need to wake up and see

I had to unfollow several Bernie supporters, because I find them to be insufferable, and not to dissimilar from Trump supporters. Cantankerous, bitter, and unreasonable. Any dissent lodged at HRC is gospel, any lodged at Bernie is conspiracy. I tried to make a plea for solidarity, but I am told I am just a party

I was literally at a birthday party a week ago for a friend of a friend. I’m a millennial in a liberal city, I just assume everyone around my age group is a Bernie fan so I mostly stay quiet when it comes to politics. But then we had about 10 minutes of people cautiously talking around the subject until we realized

“I’ve never disagreed more with people who are supporters of the same person I mostly support.” <<YES. IMHO Bernie needs to say something. It needs to stop. There needs to be a refocus. Come on, people.

you and me too. i stand for almost everything bernie does, and yet i find myself 100% for hillary based on adult professionalism and knowing how the machine works. i have been mansplained to by one too many bernie bros, all of whom insist there is no such thing and it’s all been invented by hillary. i think these

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.

Yeah... but no. I gotta say it: “My husband comes across/is super racist, but at least he isn’t Adolf fucking Hitler, that mass-murdering fuckhead*” is just... not a great bar to measure someone by.

HAHA, that is what THEY want you to believe.

Still unconvinced Ted Cruz isn’t the Zodiac Killer.

Oh well, that's a relief! Elect him President then!

I’m sorry, but this is HORSESHIT. Hillary studied Obama’s NV playbook and did EXACTLY what he did to her in 2008. She played the system as she found it.

Because Republicans fall in line and Democrats fall in love. Bernieorbust people are in love with Bernie and will not vote for the woman who beat him.

Yeah I’m afraid they won’t vote for trump in any universe, but more alarmingly they may not vote for hillary either.

He has only said like 10000 times, he wasn’t drinking! GOD! He’s going to be a private citizen, so there, and you’re not even his real dad!

Not if you’re Ted Cruz, you don’t.

Don’t you actually need to show up for your job in order to have your co-workers hate your guts?

All of these are MUCH funnier if you imagine him saying them in the voice of the pool boy from legally blonde. I can’t help but think that he’s next going to accuse the Post writers of wearing last-season Ferragamo shoes...