Clinton Blackburn

1. I don’t spend money on these brands.

I know TI just mad he didn’t have Iggy Azalea in that when she was “rapping” about being a slavemaster.

This boycott social media bare minimum effort is the closest example I’ve seen of “outrage culture” that everyone purports to exist because this shouldn’t be news. Gucci has been racist since Gucci was founded.

This reminds me of the time back in 2006 when the creator of Cristal Champagne said he didn’t like rappers drinking his stuff, so there was a mass boycott and you no longer saw Cristal in music videos.

Right!! And excuse me but a Gucci or a Prada purchase should be like every 3-4 years if you’re living right.

“Part turtleneck, part ski mask, BUT MAKE IT RACIST”

She’s a comedian also, that’s why. He’s an idiot, but i’d probably decline afterwards as well. Why should he apologize for shit he’s already apologized for? Granted, he could have used more tact in expressing it.

I’m of 2 minds on the child support one. One says you can’t let people get away with not taking care of their kids, the other says people can’t take care of their kids while they’re jail (whether they want to not).

This is great. Not only do these changes help keep poor black people from being funneled into the prison system and the scam that is cash bail, but it also helps save the county money because they’re spending less resources prosecuting petty ass crimes.

I mean, it’s Trump, so I’m comfortable saying that there is nothing he will ever say of any value.  The exception would be, “I resign.”

No worries, in his quest to avoid it, Trump will throw -ALL- of those motherfuckers under the bus/bulldozer that Muller’s driving to buy him time and muddy the waters enough that he can get away. Other then daughter-wife (And maybe not even her), everyone is expendable in Trump’s eyes.

I think they should all go and as soon as it’s clear there’s nothing important being said, they should all just turn to each other and talk about shitty Trump is while he’s still trying to talk.

Everyone behind that podium deserves to be in prison.

The press needs to stop playing this dude’s game. If this is what he’s bringing to the table they need to get up and walk out of the room. Stop rewarding toddler temper tantrums.

If Laptop makers want to make their products easier to sell, all they have to do is (as you said yourself), make fewer different designs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a laptop chassis that’s 2 years old, assuming that the actual processor, mainboard etc can be updated to keep up with technological progress. 

approached Garris and her relative in the parking lot, referring to at least one of the black women as a “bitch” and asking “Is your baby daddy here?”

Just check out the women behind Trump at any one of his rallies. Buy stock in bleach hair products. 

At one point she said she makes 125k a year. Now she ain’t makin’ shit.

Let me take a swing at this: “This incident does not represent who I am, this is a time of great personal stress for me, I apologise if anyone was offended.”

That Heifer.

When she’s on the local news during her apology tour what will be her defense?