Clinton Blackburn

I’m part white and present as white. One night four buddies, a roommate, and myself went drinking and came stumbling back to our rental college town home having left all our keys inside the locked house.

I said that she’s irritated by people who don’t care about the genocide, not that she doesn’t care about the genocide.

Sorry, but there is no scenario in which “I have video evidence of this claim I’m making but I won’t show it to anyone because reasons” can increase anyone’s credibility. What? The video is conveniently lost? And it’s not your first priority to find it so that you can genuinely prove the claim you’ve made? That’s

When leagues tout how they can their product to pay-per-view and subscription services, I always point to boxing. When it requires an extra effort to see something that you might only have a passing interest in, you’ll lose the casual fans and attract only hardcore fans, and eventually they’ll slowly disappear too,

You’re better off calling Ben and Jerry. Might even get a pint out of it too.

Yes, Vermont, New Hampshire’s so called progressive neighbor.

Yeah, I mean, who wouldn’t want to be trapped in a tiny room as water rushes in?

Barris was fed up with the Alphabet network for reals.

It’s hard to remain committed to yourself and your community when someone brings you a barge full of money, a box of imported Belgian chocolates and a small brush with sweet smelling powder to dust your genitalia. He is truly a courageous individual to stay true to his vision.

“In their new ad campaign, we believe Nike executives are promoting an attitude of division and disrespect toward America,” said College of the Ozarks President Jerry C. Davis.

Call up their offices, play the anthem. They’re not going to hang up on the anthem, are they?  Repeat indefinitely. 

I am assuming “Vice President for Patriotic Activities” is an honorary position given to the student who blew the most of their own fingers off with fireworks on the 4th of July. 

I’m guessing they just skip this chapter in the history book. 

vice president for patriotic activities”

Exactly. And her latest little quip on the upcoming US Open showdown against Serena shows you her HEART. When Venus was asked today or yesterday about how she planned to beat Serena since Venus lost to her in their last match-up, she said, “Well, last time it was two against one. At least this time it’ll be a fair

I remember seeing that years ago! I feel some kind of way when I hear commentators/players who were terrible to them back in the day trying to backtrack now. Richard Williams did what he had to do and I’ve always respected him for that.

It was never about Richard and he knew it. Richard did and said things to allow his girls to solely focus on tennis. LaVar has made himself a part of the show. 

Through all of Richard Williams’ “extra curricular” activities, I don’t recall Serena or Venus saying a cross word about him in public.