Clinton Blackburn

Imagine living a life where Bobby Brown thinks you’re a piece of shit, and he’s right. 

She needed to go. No reason a black woman with talent should provide cover on that network just so they can claim “diverse” voices when in fact they do not. They are heavy on east coast 30-60 year old white men and black male ex athletes who sprew crap most of the time. She’s far too talented for them and I hope she

Yep. They should be able to sue her for everything that she has and will have. Honestly, she should never have been allowed to take a plea deal. The prosecutor should have went for the max with her. She should have gotten a felony, made spent all of the three years in jail and signed up as a sex offender. Her lies

This witch, ruin these two men lives and finances. Can they sue for defamation?

I watched a bit of the video. Even after being outed for her lies and convicted, she was still protected. When the second victim was called up they made sure to move her to the left side of her lawyer as a means of protection.

(tl;dr warming)

What a vile woman.
And she needs to have her wages garnished for the rest of her life as compensation for the damage she did.

She’s trash. Horrible.

forever haunt to the two young men who now have to find a way to pick up the pieces now that their ordeal is over.

I’m sure you will get many wildly different takes on why, so here is mine;

Nayaa, who was already maxed-out on loans...

Now playing

Did you even have a childhood if you didn’t learn the choreography to the Chi-Lites’ Have You Seen Her from a bootlegged Brain Damaged VHS?

Don’t be fooled. Kanye’s pause is his way of not answering the question. He just won’t say anything until the interviewer has to move on to the next topic.

But I’m sure this asshole didn’t lose his “policing” license or whatever it is they have and will simply get a job two towns over and keep doing the same thing: harassing Black people for the unpardonable crime of being Black.

It turn out this sheethead was fired from at least two prior “law enforcement/police” jobs before this one. This is “law enforcement” in a nutshell. These guys get multiple opportunities time and time again. 

Your turn, Nintendo

They are never “coming” that is why they are so angry.

Brace yourself, angry white dudes are coming.

Alex Jones’ very public downfall is my feel-good story of 2018. Despite tech removing his drivel for the wrong reasons, the net effect is still positive. There is no Hell hot enough for this dude.

Jones has posted 15 times to Google+ in the past 24 hours, potentially making him the most active participant on the service.