Clinton Blackburn

I don’t care what political party he belongs to, heroin addiction is a horrible thing and I hope he can find a way to kick it.

..... A Star Wars Story

I can’t wait to watch Tyler Perry presents: The Tyler Perry Democratic Debates at Tyler Perry Studios, a division of Tyler Perry Inc.  (A Tyler Perry joint)

Say it enough and the words lose all meaning.  Tyler Perry Tyler Perry Tyler Perry Tyler Perry.  

This was the best interview of all time.

Lizzo definitely isn’t the first artist whose ever done that and she won’t be the last.

I guess I just fundamentally disagree. I mean everyone eventually dies. And even if prisons were ran as they should be spending the rest of your life there (which he likely will regardless if they change his sentences from life) isn’t really a pleasant place to be (with being monitored and have little freedom).

And while they’re at it, sell their jets and fancy shit then donate the proceeds to reputable charities...hahahaha, I cracked myself up.

Maybe these preachers should go to their churches and just conduct their business within those walls. No need to join media businesses, nothing.

When he said, “This is a bullet wound” I should have stopped watching. But then he took it to the next level and tried to compare his experience of being on a fictional TV show to the LIVED experiences of people in the LGBTQ+ community was more than enough for me. 

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that I need the closed-captioning on my TV because it seems like no one enunciates and many actors mumble or slur their words that I can’t understand. It has heightened my awareness of how many really great movies and DVDs don’t offer it. Having interpreters at concerts is a great

Typically interpreters don’t sign every word to the song, but rather the meaning behind the words (in fact, signing literally can be very confusing, especially when it comes to figurative speech). So this can shorten up their sentences (assuming they’re interpreting in ASL and not SEE). But I’m not taking anything

I have a friend who regularly saves drunk weekend tubers after they’ve floated downstream and into the Arizona desert. One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot. You can’t make this stuff up.

He wasn’t rich in love or in friends but he was rich enough in cash to buy this overpriced, floating deathtrap.”

He died like he lived: drifting aimlessly wherever the current took him.”

So far, the only good thing about this is that AR doesn’t have to wait several months for a court hearing like here in The States.

This is getting better and better.
The kid that destroyed country music in 2019 is not only black, but gay ? I love this so much. 

I’m honestly hoping he can make a fascinating and eclectic career for himself and not become the internet’s one hit wonder nostalgia joke of 2040s.

“The more prominent he got, the more I was bothered by his hypocrisy,” Ariana Ali, one of Kashuv’s classmates, said about him recently. “He pretends to be this God-fearing, squeaky-clean type, but everyone who knows him knows that’s not who he really is.” Who he really is, according to Ali, is a bigot. According to

And just to go deeper, using the massacre of your fellow students to then whore yourself out to pro-gun groups and organizations to criticize those victims rightfully advocating for gun control by itself is a travesty. You were trash before the racism shit came out. This just confirms that you were trash before that

I said it when the texts first broke weeks ago, but he is exactly who his classmates said he was, without saying it in so many words. They were in fact being kind. He is also who he showed himself to be even before we knew this particular little nugget. He’s an asshole kid well on his way to becoming an asshole adult.