Clinton Blackburn

Season 4 doesn’t count, it was an abomination. If you want to go down (good) memory lane, stop at 3.

Glad to hear McGruder is back that last season without him was real bad. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to watch the Obama episode because hearing Werner Hertzog interview Huey is one of the greatest things ever.

I do not agree that physical altercation is ok, however I really hope there is more before this video clip because all it shows is someone taking someone elses property, that person trying to get it back, being surrounded and pushing his way out of the situation. The sidewalk in NYC is not private property so he was

I wonder if what transpired before the video started to roll changes the situation. I ask because from what I see on the video it seems to me that Indya Moore was the aggressor in this situation. I understand her feelings but how would we feel if the reverse had happened? 

I know he’s automatically the bad guy in these parts, but you do realize the accompanying video shows Moore stealing the Trump supporter’s personal property and then assaulting him when he attempts to retrieve it, right?

Wasn't America supposed to be this extremist capitalist country? And yet billion dollar companies like WB are getting state funding.... Personally I think that's gross considering shit the government should be sponsoring, like education, are constantly getting their budget slashed.

Homophobia in our community is out of control. Amazing that we sound just like white, Fox News Conservatives. We are the living embodiment of “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” Some of us don’t even do the former. I hope to god all of those assholes commenting have a gay child and then try to act all hard about it.

As always, it’s about money. They don’t own it, so they don’t want to pay for it anymore. Instead they can replace him with someone that has no control and doesn’t own any part of it.

“This ain’t the black man’s game, this ain’t the white man’s game, it’s the money game.”

Well it is Washington so I’m wondering if we’ll be seeing Amazon PrimeJail soon. All the books you can read for only $99 in commissary a year.

A lot of prisons make this move either before or after contracting with a company that supplies a narrow range of books at outrageous prices. Just happened around here; you were no longer allowed to donate any books whatsoever and they closed the library, forcing people who wanted to read to buy from them instead.

Am curious how Tyler Perry and Donald Glover will swing on the issue

I dare them to find one industry that doesn’t have LGBTQ employees/relatives or women who have had need of birth control or abortion services that’d generate half as much money as any in the Top 500.

He doesn’t want Hollywood, but his backers certainly want Hollywood’s money being spent in GA.

This assumes Brian Kemp wants Hollywood here. I suspect he doesn’t. The GOP is also busy trying to scare off Delta, too. They’d rather be Kings of Mississippi East than share power with the liberals

Remember for all the Trumpers and Fox News frauds that decry these “liberal celebrities” & “coastal elites” they would kill to have them as friends and to attend their parties & be in their orbit. The problem that Trump & crew will always have is despite claiming to hate these people, they would kill for their

This is something red states are going to need to learn the hard way. If you want to attract business then you need to stop fighting the culture wars because those businesses need to be able to attract talent. You can’t spend all of your time on abortion bans and “religious freedom” laws and think you can attract a

They must have busted a collective nut writing about this “corruption”. It must be so confusing for them being so sexually attracted to her and terrified of her at the same time.

Yep. Any time anyone tries to talk about the “why” of 2016 and Trump’s win, all you need to reply is with this:

Thanks white people. Really Thanks. No thank you. Your own racism and misogyny have led to this. You were so mad, afraid or whatever the fuck you were about a dignified & decent black man, his intelligent, thoughtful caring wife and two well raised daughters that you turned this country over to a fucking failure of a