Clinton Blackburn

Judge Judy has been stacking for a while. She produces most of the court shows on TV.

Those interested in TSA Pre should get Global Entry. For $15 more you get TSA Pre, plus similar benefits when traveling internationally.

Reveal has an episode on training (or lack thereof) for de-escalation.

How do you figure that? Logically, the universe has a beginning. We still don’t know how it began or what set it about. There is no conclusive evidence of a “prime mover”.

Atheism has no relation to alcohol consumption. I don’t drink, either. It has nothing to do with my religion, and everything to do with the fact that I simply do not like the taste or effects of alcohol.

If you’re looking to reality television for an example of a wholesome family (of any color) you’re not going to find it. “Reality” TV runs on petty bullshit. If it wasn’t trashy, it would be boring. Frankly, I only tune into reality TV if I’m on JetBlue and there’s nothing else to watch, or I just really want to feel

I successfully walked in at BOS last year in April (despite having a December appointment). I intuited traffic would be low on a rainy Saturday afternoon, and it was. The staff was a bit rude, but the total time was about an hour—the interview was less than 10 minutes.

The intent of this method is for posters and relatively cheap prints, which can most likely be re-printed.

I prefer the look of the bolts. The plexiglass is custom-made for this project. It’s not as if drilling through it will ruin it for a future project.