Clinton Blackburn

As a South Carolina based fan of both the Panthers and Diddy:

It’s downright scary to think that in a sharing economy, that’s where the buck stops with companies who only have independent contractors.

You had this one moment, this one chance. ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN!

Woman! You had this one moment, this one chance. ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN! If you had just spoken the truth. I couldn’t invite you, but I bet a lot of people would have invited you back to the BBQ. There’s still time. Do the right thing. Pleeeeeeease, do the right thing.

BET also inked a major deal with entertainment mogul Tyler Perry, who will start providing 100 hours of annual programming to BET in 2019.

I not sure it’s a shakeup considering she will remain CEO and Chairwoman. More like setting a possible succession plan.

Between voting (overwhelmingly) for the pedo in AL who had the caucasity to be interviewed by a tween girl scout right before the election and this, white dudes in this country have me permanently like:

I am loving the way April Ryan is covering this. Not sure why, but I’m beginning to think 2018 is going to be a great year for us.

Personally, I use

Generational stereotypes are mostly bullshit, so no worries that you being 31 puts you squarely into the “Millennials” generation.

There is no argument on this planet that can convince me not to use my credit card to buy stuff. I pay it off is more secure and has rewards. why would I ever jeopardize my checking account and not get “free money”??? 70% millennials prefer debit cards? I am 31 does that make me one of these morons?

The fact that he asked them for anything kinda proves he must have been at least a little drunk tho.

A black person asks cop for help because they’re on fire and the cop will arrest them for arson.

Does it sound to anyone else like they just … mashed that one together and made it up on the spot because they were so offended that a black man who was trying to do the right thing dared to ask them for help because he presumed they were still on that (apparently outdated) ‘Protect and Serve’ thing …?

I live in his district, when I saw the news yesterday it was a relief. Always figured he’d get caught up in some kind of sex scandal. That said, he’s made himself a lot of money during his relatively short career in US Congress.

The price is $5 Mill to do it Handmaids Tale style, like the Congressman wanted.

I don’t think asking someone to surrogate for you and your wife is hara-

$5,000,000? Dude, adoption is a thing and it costs wayyyy less.

I preface this by saying that is really fucked up. Harassment is wrong.

I’m truly baffled at why Beyonce was there.* I think it should have been Bill Russell, Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul-Jabar, John Carlos & Tommie Smith or another athlete who is known for taking a stand/activism/being politically outspoken.

Leave it to Darth Becky to try and dull the shine of two accomplished Black Americans. For all that worship at the altar of her Beckiness can I ask you a question? Can any of you tell me one fucking thing this talent starved useless piece of garbage has accomplished? I mean other than living off of her parents health