Clinton Blackburn

Indefinite suspension is pretty reasonable given the gravity of their (alleged?) transgressions. I worked in collegiate compliance and trust me, UCLA was doing what they could to let the kids earn their way back onto the team without completely ignoring how seriously they fucked up.

Pulling LiAngelo out of school and trying to find an alternate overseas route for his youngest is the dumbest shit ever.

I won’t say that he had fucked his children’s futures up. But I will say that he has decided to say “Fuck you” to the easiest route to success that were laid out before his youngest sons (school and hopefully, the NBA). I also feel bad for his oldest son, due to the fact that he will now have the responsibilities of

I... appreciate this article.

Rich Black man raising his sons like rich white kids. Internet can’t take it.

“He wasn’t punished this bad in China.”

That gives us eight years to start making over $800,000. Sounds attainable.

Technically speaking, none of this is too little too late. Both houses of congress passed their own versions of the bill, they now have to iron out the differences in committee and then vote on the unified bill.

Today in “ahahaha that’s what the fuck you get” news,

Obviously the Russians hacked his account to sow the seeds of discord among us. AND THEY STAY THERE! AND THEY STAY THERE!

Now playing

This should clear up the myth of the coffee case.

Have you ever actually looked at the coffee case? The machine malfunctioned and the woman had3rd degree burns and needed skin grafts. I get that it’s fun to joke about but that woman had long lasting consequence from a corporation that chose to save a few hundred dollars over fixing a machine they knew was broken.

Two of my aunts voted for him and I’ll see them today.. I want to pick them up and shake them but I’m guessing my grandfathers funeral isn’t the time for that..

Just want to give a quick shout-out to the 53% of white women who are “making this country great again”. Thank you.

My short answer/take (which many other commenters have either said or alluded to) is that it comes down to power and leverage.

Donaldson handed his co-worker a McDonald’s bag containing a loaded .40 caliber Glock and allegedly told the co-worker that he wanted to leave the state.

Last week’s New Yorker had a FASCINATING article on a guy using an algorithm to try and detect serial killers, and his conclusion is that there are a LOT more serial killers in the US than we know about. They’re able to hide because they usually target more vulnerable populations (the poor, sex workers, minorities,

Ladies, get your resume out, dust it off and tighten it up! They have to hire somebody for these numerous job openings, it could be you!