Clinton Blackburn

Representative to constituents: I didn’t do anything wrong so “Let’s Stay Together.”

It’s on all streaming formats except Spotify and has been since a week after it’s official release. Only thing that’s Tidal only is the videos.

I’m all for being at a concert, but I really don’t understand the logic for anyone paying over $100 for a ticket unless you absolutely will die without seeing them.

For all those that want to rip Jordan Peele for being married to a white female, he is the wokest brother on the planet. Thank you Jordan for not only articulating the black experience on film but doing something with your platform. As for Tiger? Well he stumped for Obama and has always been a controversial figure to

This is why I get pissed off at all these Mary Kay Letourneau wannabes and people’s reactions to them! Idiotic men suggest they wish they’d had a hot teacher on them & don’t understand it was assault, it was rape. People suggest that somehow it doesn’t hurt boys to be molested by women.

Not trying to rain on your parade. I hear you. It would be cool for some blackness to get into that bloodline. Or at least see Harry do the Wobble at their wedding.

Translation: yo punk ass self ain’t do shit but run yo mouth, son. Stfu and keep and my boy’s names out of yo mouth and worry about your own dotards who are probably out shooting elephants. Peace.

I’m not shocked by these allegations, after all, he’s been raping poor black folks for years via RushCard...KICK IT!

The DC movies won’t be any good until someone, ANYONE stops using Zack Snyder as the architect of this franchise, and until they slow down and actually take the time to make these movies actually good.

Yes, he was on a stage.

I agree, keep X-Men in their own universe, perhaps cross over eventually, but bring the look and feel a little bit more in line with the comics. But the Fantastic Four DESPERATELY need to live in the MCU! I would love to see Tony, Banner, and Reed big-braining out on the big screen.

I’m gonna have to agree with you only mooooostly there.

Not just Marvel, but it would also regain ALL of Star Wars that Fox kept in Lucasfilm deal. A New Hope would be Disney’s now.

I hate that this is also the first thing I thought. Trump has already offered condolences, so I have an assumption about who was killed and who was doing the killing.

Newsworthy my ass, there are analysts that estimate Trumps Twitter activity is worth a good $2 billion to Twitter.

Jack Dorsey needs to boss up and keep it deleted for everyone’s sake. They can’t keep using the “newsworthy” excuse as a reason why trump shouldn’t be removed from twitter.

“I will not use the GOP marketing phrase “pro-life.” Who’s not for people living?”

The main reason why I love Kenan doing that sketch is because I know how much it pisses off Steve Harvey. That man can be upset for the rest of his life.

Having passed out in a public space. I know that look of panic. You KNOW you are about to pass out...but there is nothing you can do as you everything fades to black.

I’m good with him getting shitted on for being a Trump condom.