Clinton Blackburn

I got questions yall

The updates have my head spinning and this is my job. I just updated Manafort again!!

Ooooooo, I’m going to mess around and lose my job trying to keep up with the updates. This is WAY better than I expected. Don’t these clowns know that lying to federal officials is, shall I say, “frowned upon”? Ooooooo, I so want someone from the inner circle (He goin to Jared!) to surrender as well. The only downside

No, no, no... these clips go viral, and do more to spread the truth to some folks than if they were to watch an entire day of MSNBC. She allowed Jen Kerns to sit there and wiggle in the flame long enough to toast her backside without it seeming like overkill, which is exactly why she didn’t allow the other panelist to

Yep, she did make a poor choice, which is why I said I disagreed with her and she’s not my people. I’m still not mocking her miscarriage, nor shrugging off suicidal thoughts because she sang at Trump’s inauguration.

I truly believe the best thing to do in unfortunate situations like this (and in Tyrese’s case) is to be publicly silent. The human need to be understood and liked often makes people say/do way too much and they end up making things worse for themselves. The more you stir the shit, the more it stinks. I don’t know

Sorry, those aren’t white tears. White tears are what I got all over my facebook page when I suggested that women who voted for Trump really weren’t allowed to do “hashtag metoo.” Oh the whiteness! “This is not okay,” was the most common response. Meaning my comment. Not the spectacle of female Trump voters going

The best bit I heard was that Robert Kraft (owner of the Patriots, friend of Trump, but also one of the owners who’s take is that if you just let the players do what they want it will be better) whispering to two players sitting next to him after the session had run long and this comment had caused a kerfluffle:

Wow. That sound you hear is all the other NFL owners face-palming simultaneously. This is perhaps the ultimate wrong thing for one of them to say.

To be fair, they need a place to practice and hone those skills before moving up to the majors!

Why is it a closed door trial? If the vp was elected by the students, shouldn’t they get to see the charges and trial, or at least read a transcript?

When you think about it, it’s a pretty weak-ass pledge. You’d think that doing it once or twice back in grade school would be enough for it would stick, not that your allegiance would immediately dissipate to the point where you have to re-pledge at every dopey public event.

Senator Harris tried to warn us (whole thread). But how many arms are we supposed to have to try to deal with these people?

And - lest anybody be under any illusions concerning exactly who these men are at their core - Jeff Flake and Bob Corker helped to do it

The fact that he attempted to either manipulate or intimidate his daughter with this “grand gesture”*barf* makes me 100% believe every abuse accusation his ex-wife has made against him.

Yeah, this was insane to me. YOU LIVE IN LONDON AND GOT MARRIED IN NAPA AND EXPECTED ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO GO. This is where Rebekah should read: “[I]t’s true that ‘practicality is the heart of good etiquette.’”

“We were living in London when we got married in Napa,” Rebekah explains. “Really close friends told us that they couldn’t come because they expected the flights to be about £600, but they were £800. They basically put a price on our relationship and it was £200.

You know I was going to argue with you but... you’re pretty much right. The IDEA of investing is a sound one but sometime, probably sometime long ago, the economic value of a company and its stock value became more or less totally divorced.

Smart people should know all of these “web 2.0" companies that show no profits

I like number 2. Have something else going on. Poker. Mario kart something anything else.

I really don’t understand why not drinking is an issue. I don’t drink. I ask the bartender for a coke or a ginger ale. Very rarely, far less than once a year, I’ll have a beer, or a glass of wine. When I do, I don’t usually finish it. I have multiple reasons for this, none of which are anyone’s business, but mine.