Clinton Blackburn

I hate this picture because the first thing I think about is that headline asking if 45 is thicc.

I hate to say it but this is a wise choice. After Akil left the show took a turn for the worse. Taking mj away from her family to new york, isolated her and disrupted the flow of the show, because the family was such an integral part of her life. The writing also didn’t make any sense.

I’m an agnostic who might as well be a damn atheist and I tend to find a lot of like-minded black women in my Chicago dating journey. I also tend to put my proclivities out front immediately.

From what I understand, those kinds of people will sleep with and even appear to seriously date atheists, but they won’t marry them and will dump them to find a more suitable mate when they’re ready for a “real” relationship.

Smooth Danielle, smooth.

Not an atheist, but an agnostic who dated in the Bible Belt. One thing that transcends race when dating “Christians” (in quotes because fuck if I know what that term means in 2017) is that if you do and you think it might at all be serious, you should move pretty quick to figure out exactly what they think about the

OKCupid’s blogs about race are very interesting. Black people are twice as likely as other races to mention religion in their profile and 13 of the 50 most commonly used phrases by black women refer to their religion.

And a fully grown man that is as jacked as Terry friggin Crews, at that. Obviously, no one should be assaulted, but can you believe having the confidence that nothing will happen to you if you assault a man that looks like he could kill an elephant with his pinky? Fucked up.

Fuck. This just shows the level of power and hubris these men have. At a public event you assault a full grown man because you know he can’t do anything about it without being the one to come off the worse for it.

The number of downright abusive and deplorable men in the film and TV industry is staggering. Few people are held accountable in ‘the business’ because: 1). background checks are nearly unheard of; and 2). snitches get (career level) stitches.

It definitely is.... But the people involved need to file for hate charges AND assault.

Isn’t this an arrestable offence?


Disrespect our flag and our country and this is how we’ll react.”

She’s talking about the selectively-taken screenshots, not the full ad itself, which also features the white model changing into a brown (Middle Eastern?/Latina?) woman.

And, she’s threatening to reveal more. We must keep her safe.

Reminds me of when my wife, who’s Hispanic and an attorney who graduated from a top law school, went to a family baby shower where she played boggle with a bunch of middle aged white ladies (in-laws of a cousin). Unintentionally, she utterly wrecked them, and apparently got some really weird reactions.

Now playing

Exclusive footage of him being pulled out of the stadium upon hearing that players were about to protest.

Actually, you dont need to do anything with Emergency SOS to deactivate Touch ID. Once you press the hold button 5 times, and then hit cancel, it will automatically require the passcode and will not accept Touch ID to unlock your phone.