Clinton Blackburn

Hold up, wait, what?!? When did naming churches after military generals become a thing. Are there churches named after U.S. Grant? Sherman? Eisenhower? Fucking mind-boggling. What happened to “Swords into plowshares”, “turn the other cheek”, “love thy enemy”???

And also look at the Nazis. They may have started one of the most deadly conflicts of all time and murdered millions in the gas chambers but can we not just admit their fashion sense was on point?

the rumor that the divorce papers were drawn up and ready to go, and then he won and now she’s stuck.

For your consideration and why Janet is the Janet to us of a certain age:

Does that make Ben Carson Buffalo Butt?

Can someone make one for black women? Please

This is such an awful case! I’d almost forgotten about it. I can understand the reticence of the parents to let their daughter go - though I have some back reading to do as I’d been under the impression no medical professionals considered her “alive”.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The dude from Kid N’ Play was involved in this nonsense!?

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

Jose is chasing Irma and Katia is in the Gulf. West Coast is on fire.

Agreed except for one little point - no one in the history of meth has ever ended up with extra meth

Or if you’re in Polk, Lake or Sumter Counties…

Quick question: Had anyone seen that post before Ray brought it up?

“There are very few open relationships where banging your side chick in the bathroom at a dinner party with your spouse in attendance is ok.”

Are you kidding? Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan in the same movie? She’s seen that shit dozens of times.

If you don’t order online, the most likely place to buy this is from a LEGO store in a mall. I’d feel like an asshole hugging this giant box walking through the mall to get back to my car. Maybe they will have special bags at the LEGO store just for this set.

OK, but people still nasty.

If she had done a another naked photo shoot people would be complaining about that too. The truth is because of this woman’s past, people will never give her a break. I personally am not mad at the cover. At least she was channeling Jackie Onassis and not Michelle Obama. That, I would have had a problem with.

Is it just me or have they deliberately darkened the image to make her look Blacker?

I made so much money bringing bottles of White Hennessy back from St. Croix this spring.