Clinton Blackburn


White people always the first the holler “this is America” and always “forget” this country was stolen from its indigenous peoples and built on the backs of slaves.

The Texas one was the first of them.

Dear Time, the hair should also be orange.

and that people can learn from history. I feel like I need to log off of the world right now.

I have never gone to twitter so fast because I thought you HAADDD to be lying. What in the entire fuck?

Breanna - girl Trump just tweeted that the monuments being taken out will be “greatly missed”

The summer after my first year at college I went to a party with a group of friends. One of my buddies, let’s call him W, was driving his dad’s Benz because his car was in the shop. One of the black dudes in my group drew the short straw along with me to be DD. My black buddy, let’s call him C, drove the Benz, I drove

And all it took was the threat of potential violence.

I seriously pray I never encounter one of these fuckboys face to face because I will surely go to prison, props to those people that chased him for having more restraint than I could ever manage

Just because YOU are confused by life doesn’t mean the rest of are.

Part of why I go home once a year is because I don’t want my mom to wake me up at 6am to pray every morning. Argh, can we not. I used to feel bad because I couldn’t “speak in tongues” but I could mimic the pastor cos he always repeated the same pattern...

I’ve spoken tongues (the evidence of the Holy Spirit, right) and still question if there is God. You say, “As if YOU decide what is good, what is evil...” actually societal norms does this...

An appeal to tradition is the same thing racists use to keep their flags and monuments defacing our public grounds.

The entire Bible contradicts itself all the time. That’s how no matter what position you hold, you can find a Bible passage to support it.

I wasn’t any of the bible stories that got me. 11 year old me did nothing but read SF and Fantasy novels and I had a nebulous grasp on real vs. not real anyway. It was studying History and realizing Henry VIII basically started the church I was forced to go to every Sunday morning solely so he could divorce his wife,

It is disrepectful to look upon the things that sustained our forebearers with disdain

So when do you think Taylor Swift or Katy Perry will start shooting their white version of a Livin’ Single episode?