Clinton Blackburn

ME!! In Miami..face to face....full interview is coming tomorrow.

Elba told The Root in an interview.

Today I Didn’t Learn: who Clay Travis is.

This is one of those increasingly weird modern day political situations where I’m not 100 percent sure if his chances to win will go up or down.

“When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard.

This is kind of ridiculous, isn’t it? It’s not that Tumblr requires a Yahoo! email address; it’s literally just locking out people for their email domains despite it simply being a way to log in. The hell?

Just so I understand...The off duty cop is on the ground, surrounded by other police officers (which is maybe a little suspicious, but doesn’t scream racism yet). They eventually recognize him, and tell him to get up. At the same time, a rando cop arrives on the scene, see’s the off-duty cop up/getting up and shoots

Ivanka knows a messy bitch when she sees one, and Marco Rubio is the messiest bitch.

“I’m not here for hugs, Marco, I’m here doing a business.”

Nah SSO is silly, it has a few advantages but ties to many services to other services. Call me old fashioned or paranoid but I prefer to keep my private data under my control; I mean what happens if the single sign on service you use gets attacked?

I would really strongly suggest that people take a look at the homekit ecobee product before blindly choosing nest.

I would really strongly suggest that people take a look at the homekit ecobee product before blindly choosing nest.