While I'm sure Jake insists on having his bat in the 2-hole, it seems clear that he only really crushes low-level talent.
While I'm sure Jake insists on having his bat in the 2-hole, it seems clear that he only really crushes low-level talent.
Hoppes is all about sloppy seconds.
Zenglebert Slaptyback
Well that testiculated quickly.
Totally disagree. The move was easier with a little practice, but so many gave up trying to figure it out. Plus, given the space needed, it could come out of nowhere when your opponent wasn't expecting it. Best of all, whereas it took a good deal more work with the other fighters to wear down opponents enough to pull…
Totally agree. It was easier with a little practice, but so many gave up trying to figure it out. Whereas it took a good deal more work with the other fighters to wear down opponents enough to pull off the suplex or pile drivers, it only took a couple of BBKs to really get nasty with Hayabusa!
Be fair to Holliday (pictured, center), his feet miss the pegs a lot.
Pretty bad ump: Green squares are Nats pitches called balls. http://www.brooksbaseball.net/pfxVB/cache/zoneplotNonNorm.php-pitchSel=all&game=gid_2012_10_12_slnmlb_wasmlb_1&sp_type=1&s_type=7.gif
Balding guy, runs around with his tongue out, has no place on a baseball field; it's the Cincitucky version of Michael Jordan!
Many olden-timey stadiums had no outfield wall, such as the older Polo Grounds. And while a 420 Adam Dunn pop fly would be caught, outfielders aren't that much faster such that lasers to the gaps wouldn't be round-trippers: all would play deeper and batting averages would skyrocket.
From a few years ago, the beautiful graphic work of Craig Robinson of Flip Flop Flyball
The first stuff started happening earlier in the inning or even the previous inning. All we could tell (a dozen rows up from the Nats dugout) was that Clevenger made a trip back to their dugout between at bats, presumably getting some orders or something. At the same time, we saw Porter turn to the Cubs dugout and…
At the game as well, and you are correct WonderZimms. Even the umps said after the game that what was being yelled from the dugout was beyond the pale.
The lingonberry flop?
What an amazing chest trap!
The agency just kept sending him guide dogs, but apparently he does fine without them.
Que bueno!
Way to go Dirk, arrhythmia kept Len Bias from making the big stage.