Sworzak, a name as American as apple streudel
Hey fellow DCr! Nice pick. In a similar vein, Diamond Sea is sublime.
+1 New York Catcher
Imagine what you get when you download Fleshlight apps.
Once in Cleveland, once in Boston. About time this staffer was recognized for twin peeks.
+1 Busey
Combining a couple of acts that are mentioned in this, Trent Reznor’s cover of Joy Division’s “Dead Souls” is astounding in whatever version you find.
“Hi, Sness Chalmers!”
Plogging is different down undah
Weirdly, I’m seeing Mike Piazza
Love the fortuitous placement of an ad for glue on that shot.
Serious question: how close to the boundaries of trafficking is this?
The best plan to make the next generation of US players the best in the world? Prevent the next generation elsewhere.
When I was 8, I didn’t know enough about football to see the offsides on every kickoff. Also, I don’t think I ever punted once.
I’ll leave this here:
Get busy LAXing, or get Bizzy Blanding. -Andy Dufresne, IV
Derrière Jordans
Numbers (and hardware and general profile) look really similar to Andre Dawson. Better OBP but played peak years in early 2000's. My guess is he gets in after 5 years or so of ballots.
Just to be clear, we’re talking about KOOMIN, not KYOOMIN. Only people who pronounce it Massatoosetts use the latter pronunciation.