
To test nukes on hurricanes, obviously 

And to the left of the McFlurry o’Fists.

Praise be to Black Jesus. May her left be a steady guiding force for justice. And her right be the cudgel to smite evil where it stands.

after the woman generously decided to give her attacker a lifetime supply of Filet-o’-Fist sandwiches.

This man bought a child for sex.

She should not have been tried as an adult. She was an abused, traumatized child. Clemency at this point would be shortening her sentence. Haslam could easily have commuted the rest of her sentence or changed it to parole, in which case she would needed to have stayed on the right side of the law to stay free. It is

I’m very disappointed but not surprised. White men like him love to exercise their power and authority over Black women in just this type of life-altering way. It’s like their Viagra. And the fact that BLM called him out publicly about it just means his busted-faced, mediocre wife is in for 30 extra seconds of weak-ass

Well, let’s be blunt. The reason Anita Hill wasn’t “taken seriously” by the all-male Senate Judiciary Committee was because members of both parties have sexually harassed people. They couldn’t bring themselves to condemn Thomas for things they knew their colleagues (and in some cases, they themselves) had done.

The fucking caucasity of it all.

And when do they develop empathy?

That cover gives like Christmas.

Gus :)

Crystle Galloway, were told they couldn’t afford the ambulance ride because they didn’t have insurance.

They said black actress, not Asian.

oh absolutely intentionally so. he was personifying Death.

Nice try. I’m still not going to believe it’s coming out until the second or third episode.

People blaming her/her family for not finding an alternative or filing the correct paperwork:

Poverty isn’t just monetary. It is a poverty of resources, poverty of information, and poverty of advocacy. 

I guess they’re not gonna be with their cousins when said cousins try to crash the royal wedding.

Not only that, but that white dude has watched a lot of pornography. Like, an unhealthy amount.

Obviously a white guy wrote that message. Sheesh. As if we would ever say “nigger cock” to another black person.