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    “and there’s no such character in Harriet Tubman’s history/story”

    “No mention of Erivo’s insulting comments about African Americans,”

    They were SO OLD!

    I’m American-born, but of Eritrean descent and that shit still pissed me off.  

    Clearly they’re going to store a whole mess of clones down there.

    People already think they’re sinister and they’re just leaning in.

    I legit gasped (with joy) when I saw her in the trailer.

    Very cute. Excellent ears <3

    Obama and Biden as buddy crimefighters?!

      Dying at the dog. 

    He was so creepy! That was probably the point.

    It could be that there two running around but I think for now we’re meant to think that it’s the same Bernard. The stuff with Elsie happens after the gala, and the stuff with Sassy Teen Executive is two weeks later.


    More people need to put respeck on Alfred’s name.

    I sense this white woman does not season her food.

    “They would agonize over the smallest perceived flaws in their looks and rip each other apart as well. Most of them were just average-looking guys. But they would say things like “my jaw is too narrow”, “bad canthal tilt”, “bad frame” and anyone who said they looked fine was shouted down as a normie.”

    The canthal tilt

    And she’s a landwhale if she’s 5 ft. 4 and over 100 lbs.

    They say the lesbians are just lesbian-ing until “Chad” comes a-knocking. Because morons.

    Hedberg knew what was up.

    Oh, I’m 100% sure there’ll be flashbacks or the series will take place at two times or something.

    One of them...is black!

    I’d say that about Iron Man before the first movie.