
“If you don’t actually harass”

Because white nationalist misogynist terrorism is not yet taken sufficiently seriously (because law enforcement, who are also covertly white male supremacists in the sense of having tacitly adopted the ideology if not the label, are reluctant to enforce against their perceived “brethren” and would rather imprison

I’m certainly no expert, but I think a lot of the ideas these boys have about life/status/women come from the vast amount of culture we have that consists of stories of awkward/dorky/loser guys who overcome obstacles to succeed in life and a big part of that is “getting” a certain type of girl. Maybe exposure to as

Elliot Rodger was of Asian heritage himself (and white, cause white dudes gotta white dude) so it’s possible that the overly violent, intimate murders of his roommates and friend were more about his own self-hatred/killing whatever side of him that his roommates represented.

The danger in this is that the analysis contained in those videos is taken as fact by the viewer because of the convincingly academic delivery.

Was just thinking the same thing. He’s the hero all those “good guy with a gun” nuts wish they were. So happy to hear that he’s received such amazing support.

And I JUST adopted this big dope:

What a pretty kitty!! There’s a Fur Face Friday “contest” every week on the sub blogs, you should enter her! (And anyone else who has a cute pet - I’m selfish and love looking at pet pics haha).

I CAN HAZ CAT AND DOG! No teams, we’re all winners here.

My dog got voted Dog of the Month at her daycare in January. I was legit more proud than if I myself has won a beauty contest. (Seriously there’s no one can resist this cuteness):

They are great for married people, too. I am married, but I am much more active than my husband is. He would never go hiking with me, but my dog is an enthusiastic trail partner.

That’s one thing I love about my local dog park— we can trade dogs for a little while. I get to pet giant, mellow dogs, while their owners get to chase my little crazy guy around.


They don’t remember that he’s a remorseless cop killer, who happily murders any police officer suspected of corruption?

I am so happy to be spending NYE alone I can’t tell you. I have a bottle of sparkling wine and the TV. I will watch my show and go to bed early, because midnight will come regardless of whether I’m awake to see it or not. And I will cuddle with this big boy here:

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

Ajit Pai is a fuckboy.

What kind of shitheads are happy to take a job from a rapist that basically involves stalking and maliciously discrediting his victims?

You lose your power over a sex worker when they leave the room. For him, it was about absolute control — a sick kind of ownership over these women’s lives.

Huh. I'd always disliked him, but I assumed it was just based on a combination of nepotism and his "here's something you've seen before, but with a superficially new/edgy sheen to make fanboys lose all sense of proportion about it!" oeuvre. Now I can claim I was psychic.