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    Same here. I rarely feel self-conscious about it.

    “I’m 5'4" so 6'8" puts you squarely in mutant territory.”


    Also, yes.

    Paul Newman, for reasons::

    So extra.

    Kamala Harris, doe.

    Obama aged 20 years in eight and he still looks gewd. #lawd

    I’m wheezing.

    Tall people scare me unless they’re my ginger prince Conan O’Brien. :(

    Nicola Scott’s is my fave.

    If Morrison’s name wasn’t on it, I don’t think it would be as liked as it is.

    Is there throat chopping?

    Our wigs were all snatched that day.

    How cuck-y.

    Why don’t you respect their “European identity”? Because there is a single one...

    I’m distracted by that glorious beard.

    I’d go with Goddamn Batman Lasagna Smith

    Not edgy enough.

    Wasn’t Zowie Bowie just a nickname?

    And Jones was David’s real last name so it got passed along.

    ALL the awards.