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    [sobs at those pictures]

    I liked the trailer despite the song.

    Etta is awesome.

    Are you reading Wonder Woman Rebirth? I’m loving her there too.

    This made me cringe hard.

    As if it couldn’t get worse and isn’t already going that way.

    Gina Torres... #lawd.

    I ship it!

    The kid has something in common with Blue Ivy already.

    I don’t understand how she’s so shocked about 45 being transphobic? What made her think he’d be some sort of ally? I don’t understand?

    I vaguely remember when I liked Susan Sarandon.

    I still maintain that I would’ve voted for Bernie had he gotten the nomination, but I’ve become increasingly...annoyed by him.

    People are just now realizing he’s a ding-dong?

    I like to ignore that.


    Eric always looks like he’s thinking about the next small child he’s going to eat.

    He’s all:

    I found out about her death before I reached the second episode. I tried to keep watching but I couldn’t.

    Will Poussey come back?

    I didn’t watch the shorts (don’t ask me why) but it seems in-character.

    Yeah, he treats them like they’re on display. Meanwhile:

    There was a moment during the inauguration where Barack kissed Michelle’s hand and the Donald looked disgusted.