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    She’s not as funny as Obama, but she actually has a sense of humor and doesn’t pout at jokes at her expense.

    Ronald McDonald scared the shit out of me when I was little.

    Jessica is the only one who wasn’t in The Defenders at some point in the comics. (Until the conveniently timed new series coming soon.)

    Bobby Fish found the file that clears Luke’s name at the end of the season.

    He’s extra af.

    And he likes Justin Bieber. smh.

    She recently did a tweet thread about how work-for-hire types are sometimes forced to write things and contractually can’t speak out about it even if they disagree with it.

    “i would have preffered a cass cain version,”

    I wouldn’t want him anywhere near Cassandra.  

    “Just look at Black Widow.”

    The Russos actually gave her a personality.


    I’ve heard that script was bad.


    That sounds Charlie Kaufman-y.

    To be fair he just stopped working in season 2.

    “President Trump has done more in a month than Obama in 8 years.”

    It’s weird, but one can still feel some sort of “loyalty” to an abuser. (I know from experience.)

    I still haven’t watched Prometheus.

    But I want to see this.