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    He has a Pulitzer so it might be a PEGOT :O

    The picture of Rhodes, Hibbert, and Sanders makes me so happy.

    They’re in the process of revealing it with this latest arc.

    IIRC, Murdock sued the paper that revealed his identity and they printed a retraction. So most people still thought he was Daredevil, but there was still some doubt.

    Alfred has layers.

    Because he’s a “libtard” and says things they don’t like, so they go for low blows.

    I really hope she’s in season 2.

    “It would not undo the damage to his reputation”

    Mariah was my favorite of the antagonists. Cottonmouth was second.

    I appreciated Diamondback because he was ott and extra af but he’s still last.

    How very dare you? Luke is not boring. :p

    I liked Mariah better than Cottonmouth. [hides]

    She’s so purdy.

    Who hurt you?

    Jfc. Still on that “sore losers” thing when before the election Trump supporters were talking about storming the Whie House and armed uprisings if she won.


    Probably kept him in the attic during childhood.

    I thought words like “homophobia” were for SJW beta-cucks???

    They want to talk about free speech when Trump and his administration attacks the press.

    Can we deny white dudes with bowl cuts entry into the country and send them to Europe?