
Please, all the Trump men are on the bottom and make the women do all the work. We know this is true. Fucking entitled lazy assholes.

It appears that Cohen doesn’t have regular clients, other than Donald Trump. He’s like Tom Hagen’s idiot brother.

TRUMP: I can’t believe you did this, Michael. I’ve said it before—we have to be more careful with the cyber.
COHEN: ...What?
TRUMP: The tapes. They’re part of the cyber ...no?
COHEN: No, they’re...
TRUMP: But email is.
COHEN: Email is, in a way, yes.
TRUMP: Part of the cyber. So what are tapes?
COHEN: They’re just...tapes.

You gotchaself a deal, Slugger! I’ll go rent us a mat and some klieg lights, and maybe a bouncy castle. Don King is gonna be so jealous.

Well.. I didn’t, but these things are subjective, and there is much to admire in his, ha ha, body of work. :)

Woohoo!!! Although, I do have to disclose that the vast majority of my knowledge is in fruit based weaponry. I got my doctorate in food fighting with an emphasis on tropical fruits at Bowling Green State U #neverforget. If you ever need to fashion a knife from the seed of a mango, I got you.

Every time he’s made to read something that’s supposed to be sincere, he sounds like a hostage tape.

Listen, you all need to relax. A man has needs.

Apparently Gianni Versace faked his own death.

Pretty sure he needs to answer for the murder he committed as well.

It’s not broken. As a black woman I understand that the system is operating exactly the way it was designed to be.

So I used to work at the library in college. One of my jobs was kicking out people who watched porn or started JOing. It was primarily homeless people. The one day, there was a super animated homeless guy (not JOing, just really animated). We assumed he was watching porn. As it turned out, the dude had been on hour

It’s good to see the Kings recognize our right to assemble, even if it’s 250 years late.

Even if it was “your people”, would it really be worth it to argue over fine details of language on one of the rare occasions when a white billionaire is willing to come out in support of protests by a beleaguered minority community? If you’d rather have sports PR departments stick to generic non-statements in regards

My god. It’s been a week and he still hasn’t set the clocks forward yet.

I kept expecting one of these sentences to end with “Moose & Squirrel!”

I think we’ll see smaller colleges (think D-3 liberal arts schools) start closing down their football programs in the next 10-20 years, both to save money and because the students they attract aren’t playing high school football anymore. How far that ripple effect reaches will be worth watching. Will the Ivy League

It’s the reason I started! Look at how cool that hen looks.

Im seriously beginning to doubt conventional wisdom about the dangers of junk food. This fucker eats nothing else, yet here he is.