
If Boris Diaw were 2" taller, more athletic, and shot above 35% from 3, yes. Blake’s 24/10/5 this season looks pretty similar to his 4th (and best) year in the league (24/9.5/4) with a slightly lower effective FG%. Diaw on the other hand... reached 15/6/5 that one year?

Oh, so now it’s inconvenient when an aggressive man in that org imposes his desire on others.

There’s a whole list of things we could say to a kid but don’t, because we aren’t horrible. Most of the time.

“When you need precision racism, you can always count on a middle-aged white bumpkin.”

I understand the Queeg comparisons.

It means devil, at least from the context and explanations I’ve heard.


Welcome to the club! I wrote out the word “nigger” instead of saying “the n-word”. It was in the context of discussing the Bill Maher controversy. I wrote my opinion on the Maher issue. I was immediately screamed at, told that it’s not ok for anyone to use the word, including black people. They sid that the only way

“Anyone here with college age sons? If so, how are tackling the topic of consent before they move out.”

Verizon also stated that the matter had “nothing to do with net neutrality or the current proceeding in court.”

Ohh, you work for Verizon? So sorry. We’ve had to throttle the water to fight the fire at your house.

That leaves 52,999,999 English faces that need rearranging.

Businesses that rely on seasonal workers are struggling because of Trump’s immigration restrictions.

The memorial signpost for Emmet Till, the black teenager killed in 1955 after he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white woman, has been shot again—35 days after the sign was replaced because vandals shot it.


And his Trump comments, about how Trump’s misconduct with women were great for his news ratings, or something to that effect.

Oh it’s totally okay with me if the kneel. I just think it won’t accomplish anything.

All of them lifelong members of the May I Speak to Your Manager Tabernacle Choir.

Is this Hamilton Nolan’s burner account?

Sorry, Time4ButtStuff but I disagree. Salary caps are garbage and shouldn’t exist.