
There are some really funny comments here, so I’m just gonna leave this observation: This guy is already the best receiver in football. Could you imagine how good he would be if his head was on straight?

Not the Enquirer, and hearsay (from a trusted source), but here goes.

So something happens in a game I didn’t watch the previous night. It’s bizarre, or illegal, or spectacular, or take-worthy. It gets plastered all over social media and sports highlight shows. So I watch it several times. Beat writers and columnists write about it. So I read about it. And then maybe I look into some

I would like to point out that a functional viper pit isn’t exactly the cure for cancer, either.

The best part of this is that Cohen didn’t have to say “at the direction of the candidate” as part of his allocution. But he did anyway, specifically to implicate that fucking idiot.

Milk also puts out grease fires while allowing you to relight the grill. 

Matthews loves the sound of his own voice so much he should be on Fox. It's also amazing that he is able to talk that much despite a dick belonging to someone in the Kennedy family always in his mouth. 

Part of the dog and pony show of his retun to WFAN. Don’t follow him. Follow @backaftathis, who appears to spend most of his waking hours strafing Mike.

Do you think Bowie died knowing that the bass track for “Let’s Dance” became a hip-hop/scratch anthem? For my money in that regard it was almost as good as the bass break of "Good Times" by Chic. 

Yes he would. He would have it turned into a putting green. 

This post is an embarrassment. 

Exactly, Holly. This is the primary driving force behind his desire to undo all of Obama’s legislation: He cannot live with the notion that the world perceives Obama as smart, and certainly smarter than him. 

Nice job, Diana. 

Which, ironically, is one of the things that drives its popularity. Oh, a play. Oh, 30 seconds to swig a beer and discuss that play with my beer bros. Oh, another play. 

It makes some sense, and adding Isaiah Thomas for the veteran’s minimum was a nice move. However, this is the math. In two trades ... 

Dunno if that’s all on King, although he has to take some heat. When your boss says, “I want a superteam,” you try to give him a superteam. 

Yes. Clearly. 

Said this on Jezebel, and I’ll repeat it here. A long time ago, my father told me to “Never underestimate the stupidity of another human being.” I took that to heart, but along the way I vastly underestimated how many stupid human beings there are. Holy fuck.