
In the background of the lead photo is Evan Stone, who is pretty much the Zelig of the porn industry. 

If you want loyalty, buy a dog.

Correct. But going further left - and perhaps more importantly, younger - in congressional districts wouldn’t be so bad.

I hear you, and as a sweeping statement, you are right. But as a woefully underemployed white widower in his 50s with Medicaid for healthcare and two half-Mexican children, including a bisexual daughter, I am scared shitless. I’m sure that made neither one of us feel better.

I will admit I voted in this fashion - 20 years ago, when I was a selfish 30something just starting a family and only cared about paying bills and saving money for college. As Joy Ann Reid might say, I’ve evolved. Other shit matters. Other people’s shit matters. The future matters. I hope those who didn’t see the big

Two things.

“Like children, they are.”

White privilege is a blizzard made up of millions of snowflakes. 

Back in 1993, well before Woj and Twitter, the Sixers had a chance to do the same thing. Orlando took Chris Webber first and Golden State took Penny Hardaway third and they traded, with Orlando getting three first-round picks for giving up Webber. I still will never forgive the Sixers for taking Shawn Bradley instead

I’m a little late to the game here but was gonna say the same thing. Holy fuck there is NO ONE in that video who is not overweight. It is both hysterical and horrifying.

He also used the non-word “Councel” for about the 9,743rd time.

Best two-dick name since Peter O’Toole.

That could be part of it. He definitely doesn’t want Dems to go home and campaign for a month in advance of the midterms.

You get a star for that stat in the first graf.

I’m quite content simply with the demon in the sack, and I will do anything you need done around the house as soon as the fourth quarter is over.

Third time I’m posting this, Jezzies. That wasn’t a sinkhole. That was a tunnel that came up short, much like in the film The Great Escape.

Gross, I agree. Particularly because we can’t dismiss it out of hand.

Twilight Zome: The Movie updated this episode and in it the boy got tired of listening to his “sister” so he wished away her mouth, which I’m sure Trump would like to do to many people.

I cannot believe the number of people in this country who either do not have or do not choose to use critical thinking. It’s frightening.

I understand your progressive logic but I think it’s a little different because Toronto’s crusher OT loss was at home. What Cleveland has to do before entertaining any thought of winning the series is figuring out how to make it a long series. That is done one of two ways by a prohibitive underdog: take one of the