
In addition to your correct assessment of Clarkson, he has NO FUCKING IDEA about the intensity level of the postseason. Even in the Finals, he gives away possessions with “my turn” shots and nonchalanted a loose ball and almost lost it because he thought he was playing Sacramento on January 17.

Not if she had facial surgery, one of the rumors out there.

Agree, and I admit I have been guilty of this from time to time. And whataboutism isn’t the solution either. But he lies about everything, including his weight and his health, which somewhat makes it fair game.

This made me laugh out loud.

A similar situation happened to me and apparently I am now grey forever. I only take solace in the fact that my hair has better color than my comments.

Not just her paychecks - the paychecks of other cast members, production, makeup, costume, set design, etc. In an industry where you can go long stretches without meaningful or steady work, her racist rant pulled the financial rug out from under probably dozens, if not hundreds, of people. If I was one of them, I

This has nothing to do with Annabella Sciorra or sexual assault, but Moe Howard of Three Stooges fame is credited with saving thousands of dollars in production costs through his accuracy with throwing food.

This makes sense from the Barron/nearing end of school year angle as well.

Just a lucky guess. Glad you approve.

Very early in his campaign, she was on one of the Sunday morning shows (I believe Stephanopoulos) and Keith Ellison said words to the effect of “Trump needs to be taken seriously.” She laughed in his face on national TV.

I have always liked the NBA above all other sports for many reasons. One that was added recently is that its fan base has virtually none of the racist yahoos who worship at the altar of the NFL.

You’re very perceptive. And to show my love, I got you some flowers

Deadpan joke. Get over yourself.

I’ve read a good portion of the comments here, and folks are going back and forth about the missing children, with quantifications, excoriations, mentions of race, government, etc.

Said this last week but I will repeat it: That was no sinkhole. That was a tunnel dug by Melania and Barron. And like the film The Great Escape, they came up a little short of the distance required.

This deserves way more stars.

Agree. He went totally silent during the early stages of the Stormy storm and now probably thinks that’s a good strategy when vaginas are involved.

What a fat fuck.

This, I get.