
Now perhaps we could learn how to do the same thing when POC protest..?

UPS driver also blonde.

Wow, don’t they all just look like a pack of fentanyl addictions waiting to happen. #AmericanShithole

I went to Holland Public Schools (ie the public school district in Betsy’s hometown of Holland, MI). In the 80's and 90's it was a very diverse district (ethnically and economically) with amazing teachers and good test scores. Then in waltzed Betsy and her cronies to start “charter schools” all over West Michigan.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to get this point through certain peoples’ heads, and it does not fucking stick. It’s insane: you are providing a hopefully, but most likely not, trained individual with a firearm, to give them the slightest chance at stopping a school shooter, but increasing the odds

So it allows Nat’l guard or Reservists to carry a gun with live rounds? That’s interesting considering the actual active duty Army, not to mention the reserve components, never let their Soldiers (aside from MPs) just walk around with live rounds in garrison. People think that if you’re in the Army, you have some

My favorite was when his wife caught him kissing the chambermaid and exclaimed “Why Noah, I’m surprised!” He replied “You are astonished, madam; I am surprised.”

Sorry, but Daniel Webster was the politician. Noah Webster was the lexicographer. The rest of the story sounds pretty apocryphal, I’m afraid.

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being.

That Alec Baldwin tweet throws me off a bit. I know the original that had “Dying” spelled as “Dieing” was deleted. I can only assume a staffer wrote the second by the copious use of commas.

Unrelated, but still related, my grandmother passed and left me a matching pearl choker and earrings. I then went to school the next day bragging about how my dad gave me a pearl necklace.

I’m honestly surprised his sleeves aren’t monogrammed “L” and “R,” or with the address of the White House, in case he wanders off and can’t remember where he lives.

Ouch!! End tables are so pointy and unromantic!

He had hand reduction surgery so he could pretend his cock was bigger.

Yeah. I hear you. Bit much, probably.

I wouldn’t say its an insult to the New York Knicks. They’re on near equal footing.

On the female side, the name “Ann/Anne” are used for middle names. Not sure why but by mom had it and my sister has it. My middle name is the middle name of mom’s dad. They went with the middle name because they weren’t about to name me “Durlin” and not after my dad’s father “Homer”. I dodged 2 bullets!

Wasn’t Bobby Kennedy going after the mob after years of them getting a pass by J Edgar Hoover? I’ve also heard Vietnam vets say that the CIA went after JFK. If you want to get a guy, then hire some pros and Giancana seemed like one. You like Brazilian music?

Honestly the fact that there’s not a stand-alone story really seals the deal that GMG is mostly just full of Cool Kids fighting over who can be the biggest THE DEMS ARE JUST AS BAD BURN IT ALL DOWN nihilist. Which is totes fine for them because when you’re a white gurl transplanted to NYC from Ohio State I guess it’s