
Lots of rich people in this country not getting murdered, unfortunately.

Transparency. While I see both sides that’s the condition for playing. Free publicity for the program and it entices others to play. Think about if we never knew who won? People would complain that no one ever wins or that it’s rigged. It’s also very uplifting when 20 people win in some factory somewhere.

They can’t tell her how to dress or wear makeup, so nothing should preclude her from showing up with extensive prosthetics, colored contacts, and makeup so that while she fulfills the obligation to appear, anyone who knows her would take one look and say, “oh, that’s not our friend Jane Doe; must be another Jane Doe.”

China, on the other hand, allows you to be anonymous and accept your novelty check in costume to protect your identity, one of the best things ever,

Finally a chance to throw batteries at someone’s head out of joy instead of anger.

What does Rex Ryan have to do with this?

Well maybe eventually this becomes positive: imagine a future where it’s possible to make fake porn with anybody’s faces, and in fact, people does it. There are sex videos of everybody, it’s impossible to distinguish real and fake ones...

In case there’s any doubt, run the following thought experiment: Starting tomorrow, no child is born who is unwanted. None. They magically disappear. Whom will start having many, many fewer children? Poor people. Who provides the inexpensive, low-level labor that allows the 1% to have their houses cleaned, their

Or J.R. Richard.

It’s covered elsewhere in the day.

Yeah, their pictures always ooze love, it makes me all mooshy seeing them.

“Oh no, I don’t do that. It’s Merry Christmas! Stop with the PC BS”


The Buddha himself said this in the Kalama Sutta:

That was a typo. He really said “blame Santa.” They hate Santa, he is the only fat old white guy left who can have kids on his lap scot-free.

Man, think if you were George Clooney’s fifteenth best friend. That would suck.

I don’t think I’ve seen a picture of him that doesn’t look like his first night at Fight Club.

The Audacity of Taupe

On the ballot where it said “Do Not Write in This Space” the President wrote, “OK.”

Do you want my secret recipe for eggnog? Here it is: