
Really, the only fair way to settle the controversy is to kill Gabriel Byrne and see which film is listed first in his obituary.

Tree ghost.

My tree has been up year round since 2013. I’m not lazy, I’m efficient.

Let’s be fair to the President here. You know he was in China when they rolled out the280 characters update. He can’t be bothered to know everything that happened 8 days ago. /s

Barron hasn’t told him yet.

Because evangelical Christian wives have no identity apart from their husbands.

Jerry is an old man, just get someone to punch him right in the hip. Problem solved.

Weird times at FoxNews...

“It just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn’t it?”

Also it’s rather long. They probably didn’t really read it.

I don’t want to tell my son that he can’t want to be like people of color. If he wants to look up to The Rock or Barack Obama and dress up like them, I don’t want to discourage that, you know? I think only good things can come of teaching our children to admire and emulate diverse heroes. My favorite Disney movies as

I put the stick in 3rd gear and that moment is permanently burned in my brain, because it was the moment when I realized how very, very wrong I was.

Yes, I don’t know why police officers aren’t out in force supporting BLM, saying “YES, we need to be better for our communities, we serve and protect YOU.” It’s the only way to go. Someone is trying to give you constructive criticism and you act like they called your mother a whore. And the areas where you see good

Some people are evasive because they want to hide what they are really thinking.

I’m someone with legitimate pain issues, who decided to go off opioids, anyway, because I was sick and tired of being treated like a criminal by the pain management doctors.

The Republicans should now be called “Banana Republicans”.

Nixon and Kissinger were both let back into “polite” society. Bush getting let back in is hardly surprising.

Presidents usually aren’t judged by this. Most of these interactions are extremely private and not made a big deal of by the families or the President. Most Presidents accept it as a solemn responsibility and most families, apparently, are appreciative at the gesture (no family is forced to take this call, I believe

You sit there and talks about respect for the nation, the flag, the troops.