
Out of the greys with this... Cannot emphasize this enough! VOTE, my dear bitches! Vote even in the stupid little local and municipal elections, because they matter more than you can imagine.

But I think what she’s asking is if there is anything cruel and ineffective that we could do. What’s your answer to that Mr. Smart Guy.


I’m not normally a cruel person, but I love the idea of AL Roker dressing up as Santa and giving her a stocking with nothing but a lump of coal and a pink slip.

So how long before Trump publicly mocks the widow or the mother of the soldier or lies about them on camera?

I’ve now watched more Japanese baseball than US baseball this year.

I in no way feel sympathy for him, but I think he’s unraveling rapidly at the seams. He’s drawing fewer people to his circlejerk rallies, the administration is up to its ass in lawsuits, despite changing staff repeatedly, the “leaks” haven’t stopped, the US government took a directive from HILLARY CLINTON on aid to

I’m a smoker and I run to try and negate all the bad effects smoking is having on my body. My goal is to do a marathon and plaster my car in those shitty stickers so I can drive around with a cigarette hanging out my window.

What I loved about that whole story was that two of Idris former co-stars also commented on it! Dominick West brought up in an interview that he and Ruth Wilson saw that photo and were like “OMG that’s totally his penis right?”

Your mom, while your dad was away on business?

Matching pearl necklaces for them all.

There’s nothing wrong with the movie version of The Martian that wasn’t also present in the book. It passes Roger Ebert’s criteria for a good movie, as it does exactly what it sets out to do, but I feel like if there’s one genre where you should judge a movie on its ambition as much as its execution, that genre should

They better not. If we don’t get to see her halfheartedly try to walk back that comment when they have Al ‘surprise’ her on set in a full Santa suit, then what the fuck are we even doing here?

I’ve worked for several plastic surgeons. Most of them would steer away from patients who exhibited hints of mental issues and would have done their best to turn her down and not go any further with her. Avoiding lawsuits was their main aim, but they are also very aware of making their practice brand look respectable.

The US government has already crossed dangerously big water to get to this weird tropical island (that couldn’t deal with some sort of small rainstorm) for a photo op, all because liberals wouldn’t stop whining about a measly 16 lives lost and millions “at risk,” whatever that means. If we gave this other country our

donald trump makes the world a worse place.

Now I can’t unsee it. What is it with this alternate-world ugliness? Steve Mnuchin is mirror-world evil John Oliver.

I’ll bet NCAA 2K18 is going to have an amazing story mode.

It’s Beyonce’s baby bump