
And that if his diet had been a little better he would live to 200 years old, which mathematically is even a bigger lie.

As long as we are talking typos, did anyone else notice that “dismissed” is misspelled in the headline of the screenshotted story in the tweet?

And blonde hair and legs, which works well with the Fox viewers.

“Don’t get confused, Tony. I don’t fuck around with the help.”

They have separate bedrooms, both at the White House and Trump Tower.

Ieheard anotber one he supposedly said:

I think all physicians understand that. But some physicians have alcoholism, which doesn’t give a shit what your profession is.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think he even knows how to use email from his phone unless someone set it up for him. No matter what phone he’s using, it’s just texts and tweets.

If only there was a good guy with a van. /s

For someone not from CT you nailed the MO perfectly. I live in CT and the drvers aren’t bad as much as they are inconsiderate and lazy. I swear to God some of them are taking naps while driving.


Same. Never once got the vibe that he is thoughtful, overtly intelligent, empathetic, willing to listen, or idea-driven. From what I’ve seen, most of what he does is an attempt to call attention to himself.

This is the biggest issue I have with Trump and is often overlooked by supposedly smart people looking to affix labels to his actions. First and foremost, he’s an idiot. He’s simply not smart enough for the job.

I believe this is the picture alongside your term in the Sartorial Dictionary.

Sorry, but tl;dr especially when I got to this quote:

Why did this story have to be posted? The only reminders I had that this batshit twat was still alive was when members of her family got arrested.


Mango Unchained is a good one. Well done.

Now playing

Fuck, man. I missed R. Lee.Ermey dying? Everyone remembers him for Full Metal Jacket - and rightfully so - but for my money, this is the best line he ever had: