
I don’t have the best words. But I have some pretty good ones. And I did not know this. Thanks. Now I feel better about using that word.

Your initial instinct was correct. I am a bit glib at times. But I always enjoy friendly banter here. Have an awesome day.

For the first time I can actually say I’m buying Penthouse for the article and be telling the truth.

She is about as accomplished as you can get in that line of work. And has the courage and drive to challenge herself.

Yes there is. He’s a lawyer.

And they’re not. According to their FCC license, Fox News is listed as “entertainment,” which reduces the restrictions and limitations it has in broadcasts.

I will toss in my two pennies ...

Holy shit does that person need to get laid.

Also, there are a handful of folks who comment here who make a lot of sense/make me laugh out loud. You are one of them.

You are right about that. In fact, it has been America’s pastime since the baseball strike in 1994-95.

I’lI stand up to him. He’s got 6 inches and at least 80 pounds on me and I’ll fistfight him him on the fucking White House lawn right now. And I’m 54 and smoke a pack a day. Sell fucking tickets and put it on PPV. Proceeds go to charity of winner’s choice.

This is bad Kinja.

Fuck the Super Bowl. I am 54 and want to live to see the day when the NBA Finals are the cultural touchstone. Yes I can dream.

I’m a journo old, and things have changed. But in addition to proofreading your own copy, EVERYTHING gets a second set of eyes. Everything. Because the worst editor of a story is the person who wrote it.

Only a Nazi. No big.deal.

Does this mean LeBron’s streak of getting to the Finals is over? #KardashianKurse

Don’t. I coach HS basketball and it is a remarkable daily challenge to sprinkle my lingo with their lingo. And I have the headstart of having two 20-plus kids who like me.

Threatened to run against. Pulled out - sorry - because money, or lack thereof.

I am high up in the comment stream here, so if someone mentioned this further down, my apologies. But she also could not declaratively say that the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court decision was a right and just ruling. Is she from another planet? Holy fuck.

I know I’m gonna get dragged for this, but how about not taking nude pics of yourself and transmitting them? I’m glad laws are being put in place to stop these scumbags but it seems silly to me to even engage in this behavior and I am no prude.