I'd like to see them eliminate the Gasahol mandate. I want pure gas for my car. Ethanol ruins small engine carbs, hurts fuel economy and doesn't help emissions.
I'd like to see them eliminate the Gasahol mandate. I want pure gas for my car. Ethanol ruins small engine carbs, hurts fuel economy and doesn't help emissions.
It's photos like this that make me want to modify my car to drive from the back seat.
Speed limits designed to make money, not protect people.
Requiring TPMS and backup cameras. Why must my car cost more because people are too stupid/lazy to check behind them when backing up, or check their tire pressure occasionally. Their stupidity/laziness is costing me money, and even if they were free, would probably prefer not to have those features on my car.
What's the point of this? Just get a 2 litre TDI...
I've always thought the French made unusual looking cars. They have their own style that is distinct from other European car makers, and generally that's not a good thing. But it's hard to point fingers when so many ugly cars come out of America. I'd rather be seen in Megane than a Chevy Spark any day.
turn that thing 90 degrees left, and i'd use it
If dying in hell isn't possible, at lease do the proper thing and GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE! Keep right except to pass assholes! It's time to start my 'Prius shaming' blog.
because #midengine
85 grand? After this anyone who drops 100k on a Carrera S is on drugs.
Two options.
I'll be that guy that officially revokes your man card for speaking such blasphemous words.
I really hope we get to a point where we have Tesla-style car buying (direct from the manufacturer) rather than the typical franchise-style.
Did anyone actually read this or are you all just sticking to your guns in order stay with general opinion of others? Dude has some valid points, and not once does he try to claim innocence or justify what he did. He also used little rhetoric in his approach, which I commend. But no, lets be Gawker and focus on…
Another local, I knew where it was before I clicked but it suprised me to see it.