I'm not sure people from Ottawa can judge, after all it's a government town. I've never seen anyone drive slowly in Montreal, in fact it's quite the contrary.
I'm not sure people from Ottawa can judge, after all it's a government town. I've never seen anyone drive slowly in Montreal, in fact it's quite the contrary.
I grew up there so it's normal to me.. I find the people there follow the rules of the road for the most part, they just happen to drive fast. The thing I like the most about driving in Montreal is respect for the left hand lane.
I try to reserve my hooning to track days.. Oregon fucking sucks.
that would be me, I think I rank as very competent
for 32 years...
Quebec drivers drive fast, not dangerous. Get the fuck out of the left lane and be careful crossing the street.
I moved to Seattle two months ago and have some observations to share.. pick your spots to drive around here and it's clear sailing for the most part (i.e. avoid rush hour at all cost). I lived in Portland, Oregon for five years where every other car/motorcycle is a LEO of some sort. Oregon has no sales tax, they…
S'awright with me, Lotus stay under the radar for the most part and try to build cool cars. Elon is quoted daily, it gets old (especially when Tesla slips launch dates repeatedly, and make outrageous claims like their net worth will eclipse Apple). Shilling to prop up the stock is time consuming . Oh, Leon? I'm 53…
You can buy the foglights specifically made for the car on Ebay for next to nothing, and install them in a few hours on your own.
I bought a new 2013 Jetta TDI Premium with DSG for $24k a few years back. It does what it's supposed to and hasn't given me any problems so far. I will admit it's really boring to drive, however that's why I have a Cayman.
and on the brink of going under..
Delays and over-promising is the Silicon Valley way, my advice to Elon: put up or shut up. Building a 100o cars a month doesn't make you a legitimate car company, and losing money like Amazon isn't all that attractive as an investor. Building charging stations, battery plants, promising the world everything but a…
Porsche PDK is, that said I drive a manual
I moved out of my girlfriend's house six weeks ago, not because I cheated but because she's batshit crazy (and she's not hot anymore). I thought she might do this to my Porsche, but the car was not touched at all. What she did do is steal thousands of dollars of stuff that she has no use for: my Rocketballz driver,…
The stock manual tranny is a long throw, but for $400 you can install the short shifter and it transforms the driving experience. #IknowbecauseIdidit
Dealers won't be ordering the car for inventory purposes, these cars are built to order using the configurator.
I needed a four door car for times when my two seater Cayman wouldn't fit the bill.. ya know, over the top Costco runs, Home Depot duties, when there are more than two people to be chauffeured around, etc..
If the pic had attached my comments would have had more impact.. this one weird fucking site. Oh yeah, I'd give up cursing too
This will be holding the top spot for the foreseeable future. The want is hard to articulate: suffice to say I would sell organs, dumpster dive, and live under a bridge if I could have a 918
Recalls offer a really unique opportunity though: rather than recall all the Prius' ever made, we can crush them. Every one of them! Instant acid reflux relief, no more puking in my mouth every time I see one of these abominations.