Cat VonAwesome

I do actually trust Eric Kripke to keep that show from getting convoluted and not answering questions. Supernatural had solid mythology building that answered questions every season and yet still built to a larger mythology with an actual end to the plot line. It's the Kripke aspect that has me interested in

I don't remember what happened in Hellboy 2 but I'm sure I saw it.

It was a super calculated move, though. Of course it was something different, he needed that because people thought he was a nutjob. I didn't really like the movie as a whole either. Just eh.

I haaaaaated him in Tropic Thunder. I'm apparently the only person in the world with this feeling.

Whoah. whoah. What do you mean bumped because of Legend?! I have ungodly love for that film. And it's, so far, the only Tom Cruise movie I've ever liked. ;)

Superheroes, not yet. I'm just getting into YA this year. Some at the insistence of a good friend of mine who is a librarian and kind of specializes in YA stuff. I'm an old so I sometimes feel odd about it, but there's really great stuff out there. Especially for a post-apocalypse nut like me.

I did one SPN specific con and they were indeed a lot of fun. The entire cast is awesome. Some of the others are a lot more accessible at the cons (at least at the one I went to in Italy) and will hang out and chat. But as far as on stage antics, they're amazing at working the crowd. They're all so comfortable and at

Thanks for the heads up! I'll look for that one too!

Adding this to my to read list asap! I've been consuming a lot of YA fiction lately (currently on Partials with Drowned Cities up next) but it seems to be the genre handing out the best well rounded female characters and some new takes on sci-fi and supernatural lore.

They're always dancing between takes and yet they refuse to do a musical ep. Come on guys!

I'm actually starting to get excited about the upcoming season. Whether some of these shows pan out or not, I feel like there's a decent amount of crazy to choose from and I do want to try these out, as opposed to last season where I barely cared about anything new.

It may explain the sleep trouble I've been having for a few days. ;)

I don't really subscribe to "guilty pleasures." I think the idea of it comes from liking something that would gain disapproval from ones peers. Ie, super intellectuals watching Dirty Housewives or hipsters enjoying...well anything really. The idea being you should feel guilty because it's considered bad by someone

What else is it gonna do? He's all by himself out there!! Goddamnit 80's cartoons and Spielburg...I blame you for me worrying about that little rover wandering around lonely.

"But Eladio! They say you are el Chupacabra!!"

I wish that was my job.

Noooo! Bats are adorable and can't ever die!

oh my god...that was a thing that happened...My brain had almost completely wiped out any memory of this.

This is cool but doesn't make me feel any better about being sorted into Hufflepuff on Pottermore. I should be Ravenclaw, damnit!!!

If you can get tickets to a Nerd HQ panel I highly recommend it! I had a blast at Jared Padalecki's panel last year. It was awesome and smallish (only a hundred or so people) and Zachary Levi was there hosting every single panel. All the Nerd HQ people were super awesome too and I got myself an awesome Nerd Machine