Cat VonAwesome


BE is physically painful to watch. I mean that. I had pains in my body. Like blood clots forming in my legs as my body tried to kill itself rather than continue to be subjected to the movie.

I agree with this voting outcome. Well done io9'ers!

I totally spazzed all over Ben Edlund at last year's SDCC. He was signing stuff at his New England Comics booth and I think I blacked out a bit while rambling at him about how he was my favorite everything.

I agree there a bit. I think if you looked at her as the subject of years of physical and mental torture from her mother, she couldn't put the anger on her mother. Any psych majors out there want to take a stab at diagnosing this?

At this point, IDEK. I'm just going with it like its a big ole Days of Our lives in Fairyland.

I feel like a little therapy could help her with her misdirected anger. Or, perhaps she'll finally come to realize that and we have our big bad for Season 2?

It's the limiting aspect of it. I have non-geek friends who really listen to stuff like that and really think they won't enjoy something because it's "for nerds." If he honestly doesn't like the show, fine, write a bad review cuz the show isn't for you, but don't try to limit the audience right out of the gate. My

*hearts for eyes*

Because everyone is too cool for school.

Same here! I'm super excited for this one!

This is a difficult choice for both of these movies are guilty of horrible crimes. How does one choose which is the worse offender?

Damnit. I would've been way down for this. (If I could've gotten the tattoo artist to combine the Stark and Targaryen sigils.)

Some of these are just mean because DO WANT Jem earrings, a kitten printer and a direwolf. (Until yesterday, I really had no idea just how much I need a kitten printer.) I bet the Bronies would for real wear those hooves all the time.

Jealous. I went to Rome last year but we didn't have enough time to work in Venice. And Venice has been my dream since I was 8 years old and obsessed with Nancy Drew and she went there.

I kinda see it like I see my relationship with my mom. She'll always be my Mom, but she's also now to me as an adult, one of my best friends. Sometimes she's more mom than friend and vice versa.

hahahah oh ew. No.

I'm a total fangirl of this show, so I'll give you my total fangirl answer which is yes. I'll be with this show until the end.

No, there hasn't been a word about Frank. I liked Frank but I'm ok if he's gone for realsies, which he probably isn't. He sort of negated the reason for killing Bobby, which they kept insisting was to strip the guys of everything so they had no resources, but then poof! Here's a new curmudgeon to get info from. And

Breaks have to do with network sweeps weeks and what not. The break now will mean that the last episodes will run during sweeps. (Sweeps are the periods where they determine the value of ad space during the show by the ratings. blahblahblah Its a mostly antiquated system. Filming schedule probably also factors into